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May 19th 2024
Published: May 19th 2024
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We got up and ate a quick breakfast before preparing to head out on our included excursion. We were able to switch to the morning one yesterday so that we would have free time afterwards. Edinburgh was our last tender day. A least, the seas were very calm. The tender ride over was about 30 minutes then we got on our bus. This was not our favorite tour. The ped by the sites we wanted to see so we couldn’t get good pictures. We ended up at the Edinburgh castle and the Royal Mile. Susan and I both hate crowds and the place was packed. We also only had about 45 minutes of free time. We got our pictures then walked down the Royal Mile a bit before the crowds made us turn around. We found a pub, and both got a draft. Ok, it was a diet coke draft but oh my, it was the best soda I’ve had in years. It was good to get out of the mob. We had to option to stay in town, but the tour guide didn’t give us clear directions on how to get to the shuttle bus and given the crowds, we

buildings along the way
opted out and went back to the ship. On the way back the guide’s microphone broke so no one could even hear what he was pointing out. This was our most disappointing tour. Of course, once we got back to the ship, out came the sun and it turned out to be a beautiful day.

We did watch the port talk and went to the upper deck to get the talk on our exit from the harbor. We then headed to dinner and afterwards to the Duet Show. Again, the singers were very good. We look forward to tomorrow when we have a private tour of Inverness and the Loch Ness area.

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the castle

We got skinny!

Royal Mile

Susan drinking her dark draft

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