Home for a fortnight and we're all ready to go again

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September 4th 2021
Published: September 4th 2021
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Been quite a whirl this last couple of weeks since we got home from our Suffolk and Norfolk trip. Been busy making my Joysofglass glass ready for what will hopefully soon be the pre-Christmas rush and also trying to keep the garden in full bloom so it last through to October. Bob has been doing lots of jobs here and there, fortunately he is very handy. Don't think we have stopped for more than a minute and now we are all ready for the next trip. In normal times we would be heading down to the South of France for a month of warm sunshine but these are not normal. For the moment we are staying in the UK and taking care. We've got this far, not going to stumble just to get a bit of cheap French wine for Bob.. Hopefully next year... if we are lucky.

Our old motorhome was Tandy by make and Tandy by name but our new one is a Chausson which doesn't roll off the tongue as easily so I'm going to refer to it as Welcome, its model name, instead. The car will remain Smart Arse because though that is not a word I would ever use in conversation it is the name on the back of the car.
So at this minute, Welcome is packed with food and clothes and everything else we need, Smart Arse is hitched to the back via the Aframe and my Joysofglass shops on the British Crafthouse and Folksy are in closed mode. We are all ready for us to head to the South, first stop East Sussex for a flying visit to one of Bob's grandson and then we will go Westwards along the coast.

I'll share with you some photos of my garden just to record how pretty it is looking in case the weather does its worst while we are away.

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