When do things ever go to plan?

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October 26th 2010
Published: October 26th 2010
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0


Well, almost everything was packed, most of the necessary plans had been made, and nearly all bits of equipment had been purchased and the journey was officially underway. The starters flag was raised at the parent's house in Newborough, north Cambridgeshire, and as dusk settled on a slightly chilly but dry October evening, surely nothing could go wrong?

WRONG! The lovely van, home for 12 months, with the German build quality, the 'bullitproof' Mercedes Sprinter engine, that's what could go wrong. The good news, it's wasn't my fault! The bad news, I have no idea what goes on under the bonnet!

So when the van failed to start when we arrived at the overnight stopover in Brampton Caravan Park, it meant a night was spent on the slant outside the wardens hut, and it was not what I'd call the ideal start. But that was hardly going to dappen the spirits was it?!?! Safely and simply started by the AA the following morning, and having had a lesson (which was soon forgotton) on how a diesel engine works, we were once again underway, with the beautiful British roads whizzing, or more like tootling to be honest, underneath the wheels of the Hymer.

First stop was Kent, Westgate on Sea to be more precise, and after parking up, and then deciding to move to a slighty different parking spot, the move failed when once again the van did not start. So, to cut a long story, and a good many hours short, after visiting and ringing a number of garages, a fuel filter is to be fitted tomorrow, which will replace the 2 month old filter which is currently causing the problems. At least that's what we're hoping it is!

So 2 days in, and not much action to report really. I must say I have not spent much time in Kent before, and I had never thought it would be so nice, and excluding the miserable weather on the second afternoon, . A few pubs, a few garages, and my first ever visit to a micropub, which was in Herme Village (http://www.micropub.co.uk/), which with 15 people in would be close to capacityappear full!

The plan is to be off tomorrow (Wednesday 27th) with a probable EuroTunnel train on Thursday morning. Nothing booked as yet, but that's the plan!


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