Tales from the Sole.....Thank You.

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March 20th 2009
Published: March 20th 2009
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Hi all,

Well it's crunch time people. Hopefully all these months of hard training and not drinking have paid off! This weekend in Rome, sees us attempt the first of our three marathons. Then the following weekend it's Bratislava and seven days later Paris.

Before we fly off, I just wanted to take this opportunity on behalf of Ben, Rich and I to thank you all.

When I came up with this idea I wasn't really too sure how feasible it would be. Fortunately I have some really good people surrounding me.

A big thank you to you all, your generosity has been overwhelming. We've surpassed the £2000 target we set and to date the total stands at £2102.20.

We will do our very best not to let you guys down.

If you still want to make a donation and haven't yet had a chance (all very gratefully accepted!) then don't worry, you can still sponsor us via the just giving page whilst we are away running. Your donation can make a difference, not only to the British Lung Foundation, but to the three of us. Mentally and physically there are going to be some tough times over the next two weeks and your donation could be a major factor in driving us on!


You can also follow the trials and tribulations by checking out my blog on this very site, with a bit of luck at least my fingers will be working...even if my legs aren't!!

Thanks Again



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