Tales From The Sole......The Finish Line

Published: July 19th 2009
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I know it's been absolutely ages since we completed the Three Marathon Challenge, so long in fact that Summer has been and gone (or so it would seem!).

This is just a very quick blog to thank each and every one of you that sponsored us. The response was overwhelming.

The Just giving website closed last week and everybody was good to their word and paid up, just as well really....I was a bit worried I might have to flex the 22" pythons of steel!

We set out to raise £2000 for the British Lung Foundation (BLF), well not only did we raise that, thanks to all of you , we obliterated it!! The grand total we submitted to the BLF was £3,427.20!!

This week when you all head back to work, give yourself a big pat on the back or better still eat that choccy bar or extra serving of cake you've been denying yourself....go on, you deserve it.

The best part is that the above total doesn't include the gift aid that the government has to pay, that will take the total to over the £4000 mark!! (No digging moats, paying for non existent second homes or funding husbands porn collections for the MP's this month then!!)

A huge thank you to two very important people....

Ben, thanks bro. I really couldn't have got round those 78 miles without you (well maybe Bratislava, I got tired of carrying you on that one!). It was a honour and a privilege to experience the highs and lows with you. I owe you a KFC bucket or two.

Rich, without you mate, we couldn't have got round the remaining 2500 miles!! Thank you so much for volunteering your time and effort to making the challenge possible. Thanks for putting up with the constant moaning form the pair of us about how hungry we were all the time too!

And a special thanks to our support team in Paris. You gave up your time, money and voices to get us across that final finish line....you really did make a huge difference when it was needed most.

'Til next time....


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