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August 28th 2023
Published: August 31st 2023
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Day 4 - A stroll along the seafront to breakfast at our new favorite "Greggs". What followed next was extremely surprising, lucky & humbling. We stumbled across Paignton Parish Church, which dates back over 900 years. A quick hello and chat to Bob, the groundsman, and an private tour invitation followed, so off we go! Inside this beautiful Church with Bob giving us a history lesson. We met Vicar Nicholas and assistant Ruth, who spent time speaking with us and telling us about the history. The Organ which is 200 years old, the stained glass windows, the Bell Tower, all told with great pride and passion by Vicar Nick & Bob. The Bob announces he's taking us to the roof, so up through the 900 year old original stairs we go for a view across the town. Back into the Church and taken up to the Bell Tower via another set of 900 year old stairs, as far as the Ringers Room, as the Bells were being cleaned by Nick, who cleans them every second day due to the resident Pigeons.

Day 5 - We left Paignton and decided to drive to Brixham to the south, just a sleepy village on the coast, so headed back to Berry Pomeroy Castle.built in the late 15th century. Wonderful old ruins in a majestic forest down some narrow out of the way lanes. From here we travelled to Buckfastleigh and across Darmoor National Park via Two Bridges to Tavistock and onto Dobwalls to meet our friends Pat & Andy at the Highwayman Pub. It was wonderful to see them again after close to 4 years, hugs all round and a pint in the pub before following them to their wonderful home in St Neot.

Day 6 - Out through the narrow country lanes again and off to Lizard, the most southerly point in UK. Great sights from the top of the headland, then down onto the beach. From here we're headed to St Michael's Mount, a fortified castle built in the mid 1600's and home to the St Aubyn family. Access to the island Castle is via a causeway across the sand, once the tide is in, a boat ride back to shore follows. Lunch and a few hours exploring this place along with a few thousand other tourists filled in the afternoon. Back to St Neot and a birthday dinner for Andy at London Inn in the village.

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