If heaven isnt what its cracked up to be...

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May 31st 2008
Published: May 31st 2008
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Avignon to Gimmelwald

Left Avignon early and had stopovers in Geneva (meh) and Bern (liked it) on the way to Gimmelwald.

Sensational, the pictures dont do it justice. Hiked with some Canadians up into the clouds until the snow was too much to keep going, weather no good for the Jungfrau train or Schilthorn gondola. I was wetter inside my poncho from sweating than I was on the outide from the snow and rain. After getting back to the hostel had a relax in the hottub looking at the mountains.

Weather was better the following day (just looked out the window from bed and could see the top of the Jungfrau) so took the train up there, checked things, walked on the glacier, etc. Wasnt too bad so ended up doing it in tshirt and shorts. Back down to Lauterbrunnen, walked up the valley then decided to take the trail up to Gimmelwald... nearly killed me but it was beautiful. Benches to sit on, rest and take in the view at regular intervals. And hear the ever present tinkling of cowbells.

I understand now the person who wrote "If heaven isnt all its cracked up to be then take me back to Gimmelwald".


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