Becki and Nanci’s European Adventure

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Europe » Switzerland » North-West » Lucerne
October 23rd 2023
Published: October 26th 2023
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We are staying in a lovely hotel in Lucerne, Switzerland. It is just beautiful!! Breakfast was at 7 am and bus call was 9 am. I learned late last night that Terry’s 97 year old mother, who is in the nursing home, wasn’t doing well, so Nanci and I decided to leave the tour and head back home to West Virginia. Family is far too important to be away at a time such as this….so we met the tour guide, said sad goodbyes to our group as they headed off for a fun packed day of exploring and we went upstairs to pack. Neither of us regretted our decision. We have had a great trip and Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and The Czech Republic will have to wait till another time.

I spent several hours cancelling plans and making new ones….which is time consuming! We then left the hotel to catch a bus to the train station and the the train to the airport. We will spend the night in the airport hotel and fly home tomorrow.

When we got on the train the only other person in our car was a very nice young man who was in Germany for a work conference and a marathon. and decided to take a vacation since he was already in Europe. We shared stories, philosophies, tried to solve world problems and just bonded. He was a Californian who had just moved to Florida for work. Mike was his name. We hugged, took a selfie, and will probably never see one another but we will always remember him and many others who have crossed our path while on this journey!!

Once we found our hotel and checked in we ventured out. Since we had plenty of time., We took the train into Zurich. We did a lot of walking, Found Old Town, ate at a very Swiss restaurant (I had fondue, Nanci had Wiener schnitzel and spatzel) and We had ice cream for dessert!! Zurich is a very beautiful city!

It was a short train ride back to the airport and we are in for the night preparing for our long journey home!

Nite all !!!

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