Day in Jokkmokk SWEDEN

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Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County » Jokkmokk
July 5th 2010
Published: July 5th 2010
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Same traditional dwellingSame traditional dwellingSame traditional dwelling

in the grounds of Jokkmokk museum. Made of grass I think.
Have done so much driving in last four days that decided to have a day of leisure. Got up late and did ‘not a lot’ for the rest of the morning. We picked up a few brochures on the town from campsite reception and decided to go in the Tandy rather than on the scooter, in case the heavens opened again like yesterday.
As the roads here are so very wide (and empty) using the motorhome is an easy option.
Bought a little reindeer antler as a souvenir from a craft shop selling local / traditional items and think it will look good in our inglenook fireplace. There were some rather nice thick woollen mittens on sale in traditional ‘Same’ style (name for the Swedish Lapland people) and we considered buying some as presents. May do so later.
We were going to visit the Same museum as recommended at the campsite but decided to give it a miss after poking our heads through the door, likewise for the ‘botanical gardens’ by the lake which were ‘not’ impressive except by the number and size of mosquitoes flying round them.
We concluded that Jokkmokk in summer has not much in the way of attractions. This was originally a trading post / reindeer herding frontier type town for the Same people which seems to have accidentally developed into a tourist stopping point. It does have a very pretty wooden church so I took a photo of that !
. No problem. Bought some postcards and stamps, had lunch in a small restaurant on the main street and returned to the campsite for a swim. Just getting the flavour of Sweden and tomorrow we are leaving for Finland.

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