Heading North to the top of the Costa Brava to Roses.

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Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Roses
March 9th 2022
Published: March 10th 2022
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A long drive today, longest of the trip and Bob really had to psych himself up as still not 100% right after the iffy food of Monday. Not helped by knowing this was not going to be an easy drive. Circumventing Taragonna but worse, Barcelona, can never be an easy drive and it wasn't. The countryside and views especially on the first half of the drive are good with high peaks to the left, west and glimpses of the sea to the right, usually mixed with views of the high rise blocks which fill the coastline. At first the foreground was filled with orange trees, millions of them but they gradually gave way to olive trees the further north we went.

We filled up with fuel before we left Valencia and then hit the motorway. So kind of the Spanish authorities to remove the tolls in September 2021 from all the stretches of road we were using. We pulled off near Taragonna to find a supermarket as basic food supplies were somewhat depleted. Not the Carrefour the satnav directed us to but another Spanish chain in a small town and as we really didn't need too much it was fine. Squeezed the motorhome into the not very big carpark, did our shop and set off again. We would normally also stop to eat lunch but the carpark wasn't really big enough for us so we went on to the next motorway services and stopped there.

As we went past Barcelona we ground to a halt. At a spot where it looks as if about 10 motorways join, cross and part. Like Spagetti Junction but more curly like Tagliatelli. The halt was caused by an accident and we crept along for more than an hour. Bob realised that we were not going to get to the campsite until well after 6 and lots of campsites close reception by then. I rang the site and explained but no problem they stay open until 11pm.

We were getting along well and nearer to Roses when the dashboard shouted a warning that we only had 50 miles of fuel.... and it was more than 50 to the campsite. ooops. Fortunately there was a services a few miles further along but we were grateful for the dashboard shoutout as Bob hadn't thought to check how much fuel we had used not registering quite how far we had driven.

All sorted, full of fuel again we pulled off to Roses and found our campsite, Salata, where we have stayed before, in September 2016.

Nicely located on the edge of the site and just across from the sanitaries. Will suit us fine for 5 nights.

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