Kisbee trip south round the Bay of Roses

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September 18th 2016
Published: September 18th 2016
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Decided on a Kisbee trip today, south round the bay.

Much better day than yesterday. Love it when I can get up and dress straight away in shorts and suntop with confidence that the sun is out.

Kisbee came out of the garage, raring to go as he’s travelled these roads before so no map needed.

We went south as we’re moving to the north side of the bay on Monday. First stop St Marti d’empuries. Very popular spot with a lovely beach and a pretty old village behind the sea. We stopped for coffee, as we did last time we were here, but as we sat relaxing in the sunshine we got more and more plagued by pesky flies so we gave up and returned to Kisbee.

Next stop L’Escala. We’ve been here at least twice before and hadn’t realised how popular a seaside resort it is. Must not have visited on a Sunday before plus the town is extra busy today as the annual Salt Festival took place on Saturday.

We should have gone, would undoubtedly been honoured guests, if we had known about it in time.

Had a stroll round and discovered there were some rather nice shops I’d not spotted before (think they were there but shut on previous visits). We do little shopping, apart from food, on our motorhome trips though and am rarely tempted by clothing as it is invariably more expensive than at home.

I headed us straight to GROP for lunch where we had lunch last year. A lovely menu selection of tapas and they were really good again this year.

Back on Kisbee and back to the campsite for a swim and read by the pool. By this point the wind was aggravatingly strong. Bob found it hard work riding Kisbee into the headwind and he didn’t stay long at the poolside.

I of course went into the water for my 10 a day and there were a few hardy souls in with me today though the water really was quite chilly. The wind had blown clouds across the lovely sun and having checked the forecast it looks as the fully sunny days are to be replaced by more cloud than I’d hoped for but this is often the case once we get past mid September.

Too chilly again to sit outside in the evening so inside Tandy tapping away on the laptop while Bob reads on his tablet and bemoans Stoke’s awful football result (Again !).

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