Visit to Girona. Lovely City.

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March 11th 2022
Published: March 20th 2022
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One reason I wanted to stay in the Bay of Roses again was to visit Girona as have always missed it out before. Too far to travel there on our scooter from the coast but this time we have our dinky little Fiat Cinquecento.
Only an hours drive south and a little inland so we took the quiet roads route and avoided the motorways. Bob had identified a big free parking area just across the river from the main tourist area so we went straight there and sure enough there it was. How kind.

Girona is famous for its coloured houses which line the banks of the river and they are indeed fine and the camera thought so too. There are several foot bridges across the river so easy to get to the other side to the Cathedral.
We climbed a big flight of stairs to get to the main entrance. Both new and old knees complained by the time we got to the top but the view from up there was worth the climb. There was a service in progress so initially we were only allowed at the back of the Nave. Instead we walked round the cloisters which has a floor made up of many tombs, or at least tombstones, all well worn from years of footsteps.
Then we visited the Cathedral treasure museum. Some superb pieces on display some dating from more than 10 centuries ago. The main exhibit is the Tapestry of Creation, origin unknown, probably 11th century, a contemporary of the Bayeaux Tapestry. It combines the story of Creation with the cosmography of the calendar and the history of the Legend of the True Cross. A magnificent piece of work with a video to accompany it which explains the different sections in detail. We spent quite a while in there before returning to the main cathedral to explore the rest now the service had finished.

The city is also famed for the little alley ways of the old Jewish quarter so we found that next, down more steps and through some very narrow streets until we came to a handy little square with a pavement cafe. Lunch of course was Tapas because we love our Spanish Tapas lunches. Best thing about Spain really. Certainly not the weather on this trip anyway. Not raining today but drier than other days have been.

We found the river next and admired the views along the buildings from the red metal bridge built by Eiffel. Then to the main Independence Plaza where, despite it not being terribly warm, we indulged in a double scoop (single was not available) of rather delicious icecream as no holiday is complete with one.

Then back to the free car park, found the car and a drive back to the campsite. Weather forecast for tomorrow at least is Rain and that is with a capital R.

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