Relaxing day in Cudillero

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June 13th 2014
Published: June 14th 2014
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What a lovely campsite this is. This morning even more lovely as the rather noisy (but have to say totally harmless, just a bit excitable and therefore rather loud) 4-some in the campervan across the way packed up and left after a loquacious outdoor breakfast at 8am.

We got going a little bit more slowly and went out on Kisbee to the town at the bottom of the hill. And what a hill it was, seemed to go on and on for ever. Even after we had reached the start of Cudillero with its rather narrow main street we still went down and down for another ½ mile until at last we emerged into a slightly wider entrance to the harbour.

We parked the Kisbee, in what we later realised was a definite no-no of a parking spot (but we kept well away when a traffic warden kept a watchful eye on it and didn’t return until he’d gone).

What a delight of a town. Sadly not bathed in bright blue sky and sunshine as the sea-mist was in and heavy but a treasure of a place all the same. The buildings are piled on top of themselves and each other or at least that is how they appear. Tiny narrow steps go up between the buildings from the ground to the next level and disappear into the darkness of the alleyways. All sorts of different colours and wonderful windows and glassed in balconies and washing and extra spurious bits of buildings hanging over the narrow streets. A feast for the eyes.

There was a market underway but not much of a one and by the time we arrived it was being cleared away so we weren’t tempted to shop.

We were though enticed into a restaurant which offered “English spoken” so Bob had a dish of sardines and I had some enormous gambas. Not cheap and of course we were charged extra for the bread roll which came with the fish but that wasn’t too much of a surprise and it was a really good lunch.

We decided to move the scooter, having watched the traffic warden berating several motorists who had parked in the no parking area and did so once he had gone out of sight.

We scootered along to the fishing harbour, a surprisingly large area, and watched for a while as two fishing boats came in and unloaded their catch of the day. We tried to identify the fish laid out neatly in the different crates but didn’t recognize them all. The Octopus though was an easy one to spot.

The sun did at last manage to break through the low cloud and the sky turned back to the glorious blue we have become accustomed to. So back to the campsite for a lovely swim in the pool and a lazy read in the sunshine. This is a holiday after all even if we work hard at it !

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15th June 2014

Looks like a great town.
16th June 2014

Thank you - it was and we enjoyed it very much

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