Minus 13

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Europe » Russia » South » Sochi
June 11th 2007
Published: June 11th 2007
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Minus 13 and counting ..

Well …I don’t know how much of a secret it is …as according to the Russian bid documents …most Russians are solidly behind the Sochi efforts ..

It is the kind of numbers that usually a country only goes to war with!

Although some of the Russian I speak with ..say ..”OK …but only the privileged few will benefit …there will be nothing for the ordinary person ..”

There is some truth in that sentiment …it is now in Sochi ..and with any effort in any country …at any time in history …so of course …what to say?

Somehow the privileged are always ..just a “few” ..and these “few” …somehow always benefit ..

no one can argue ..

yet ..you have to like what the Russian Federation is doing ..

It has clearly laid out a good 3 point argument to the IOC ..and the world at large…

first …in ..the plan for the game venues …it is compact and timely …in line with the worlds’ current pre occupation with the global warming …and includes green technology from the European Technology and Investment Research center to enable Sochis’ busses to convert from gasoline and diesel to hydrogen!

So …as a result …fact Sochi is being marketed as the “Gateway to Green Games” …

Second ..Sochi will be the catalyst for creating some kind of southern economic engine …Sochi can and does attract the summer crowds to the sea …and the winter crowds for the snow …

Just not the West ...

Sochi has yet to open its doors to the west ..

But the Black Sea and the 2000 meter Caucasus Mountains with 5 meters of snow pack ..can do it …and are a great fit …for year round vacations

and …lastly …again ..is the amazing fact that 80% of Russians back the Kremlin ..and Sochis’ bid ..

The Russian government is doing a lot of the right things ..in following up on their all talking points …for instance this week Sochi is hosting the World Football Cup for disabled atheletes ..it is part of the 2014 Paralympics commitment …

and there is a stated commitment to build all the venues to the highest accessibility standards as well ..

The government is clearly and incessantly perusing the “gold” …

From the beginning of western time …the Caucas maountains have always promosed ‘gold” to the bold adventurer .

And depending on your view point there is still a debate as to whether the Caucasus are in Asia or Europe ..because they sit atop of the Eurasian plate ..

so for a long time no one could answer the question ..which is the tallest mountain in Europe?

Mount Erbus or Mount Blanc?

The official answer …and only because it was agreed to by the Tsar in 1730 is Mount Blanc …

but hold on …

if you go by …the water divides ..between the northern and southern flank …it would be Mount Erbus ..

Ok then ..also try the ancient Greeks …they knew of the Caucasus mountains ..or “Colchis” …as a fabulously wealthy land at the end of the heroic world.

So ..would you believe that not very far from the proposed downhill skiing venue at Krasnaya Polyana ..just across the border in Georgia ..hung the famous Golden Fleece seized by Jason and the Argonauts ..

But Jason needed “love”…

he stole the golden fleece with the help of the love of Medea ..

Putin and the Oligarchs court the media ..

Sound similar?

Its all coming together …history is on Sochis’ side ..

But if the Russians’ do not seize the gold… then they will...find themselves bound to another Greek myth …linked to the Caucasus Mountains …namely that of the titan who stole fire to help mankind…

Prometheus apparently means ….forethought…anyway he had great creativity, intellect and boldness ..

The trouble is ..if Sochi fails ..it ends up chained to the Caucasus Mountains to bear its pain…everyday …


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