Russia's far east

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Europe » Russia » Far East » Vladivostok
July 7th 2014
Published: July 8th 2014
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Moscow to Vladivostok

Aeroflot's reputation is far from glowing but I found there food to be excellent at least. As usually I had one of those people who insist on reclining their seats within minutes of the aircraft taking off so the 8hr flight was far from comfortable. When we arrived at the airport all factors conspired to ensure we missed the 9am train ro the city, the baggage took an eternity to come out, then it took ages to get past baggage control and then the persistently bored looking and unhelpful stsff ensured we would miss the train my just moments. In Russia air travellers appear to ho to extremes in wrapping their luggage in plastic, it was only later when I found one of my locks damaged that I understood why, they also have that annoying habit of applauding when planes land although air safety is certaimly an issue here.

The train trip took 48 minutes travelling through some ugly soviet era industrial areas before arriving at the station, the station is located in the heart of the city so it didnt take to long to orientate ourselves and set of for the hostel, some five or ten minutes later we
The eternal flameThe eternal flameThe eternal flame

Naval memorial
arrived to find that the lady who owned the place had put some one in our room and that we would be separated, this was unacceptable so yelled a bit and left the greedy bitch standing in the doorway, I am now in dispute with We then had to lug our bags up and down the streets of this hilly city before finding another place to stay thanks to the assistance of some young locals.

After checking in we passed out for about three hours before heading of to explore the city around us, the first area was down near the beach where we encountered kitche amusement parks and arseholes with captive macaques in dresses. Dinner was Italian at about 3pm we then went back to sleep somemore, our sleep patterns are way out of whack.

The next morning we went out to see the sights and do some souvenir shopping, the highlight was probably the memorial to Russian sailors and the World War 2 era submarine that claimed 14 kills. Lunch was at the Chekov bar where we enjoyed some good vegetarian food and wheat beer, vegetarian food is suprisingly easy to find so far.

Breakfast consisted of cottage cheese fritters (superb) and fried eggs with tomato, it seems that unless a dish appears on the menu you cant have it, when I asked for toast with my eggs you would think I had asked her for kiss.

We will walk down to the station soon to begin the 61hr first leg of the 10000 km trip back to Moscow, this one will be in first class otherwise insanity would prevail. It is humid and sticky here and the rain this morning has made it even less pleasant, farewell Vladivostok its been fun.

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She had 14 kills to her name

10th July 2014

Sorry to hear about your dispute. Hopefully all will work out.

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