Next days in Faro: beach, sangria, international food and party!

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July 15th 2013
Published: July 27th 2013
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So after that great 1st day in Faro, our holiday went on and the main theme of those 3 days was Chillaxing :D So it means mainly days discovering a new island or beach, enjoying the sun and the ocean and obviously drinking sangria at the same time 😊 My friend from Ukraine was crazy about Sangria so we tasted the Sangria at each beach and each bar we went to! Red sangria or white sangria we drank them all 😉

So but except drinking, we really discovered nice places around Faro. The 1st day we went with the boat to Ilha Deserta. It's an island where a very few people are leaving nowadays and where there is only one restaurant! For this, the restaurant is really nice but expensive. When there is no competition why should they have low prices 😉 As you can see on the picture, the restaurant is really nice built! And the architect who built it was one of our hosts in Faro, so I was even more amazed by the work since I knew the guy who conceived it. The building is really nice, modern and well done so that you do not feel the heat inside of it (house not touching the ground, use of special materials,...).

But first, when we arrived on the island, we went to the beach to enjoy the ocean! As you can see on the picture, the beach was in fact almost deserted and the water was so clean. After an hour at the beach relaxing, reading, we went for a walk around the island. The island is indeed really nice and there was a place I just loved: there was a dead tree with direction pannels. This was pretty cool to see this one with a lot of colours.

After making almost a photo shooting at the place 😉, we continued walking on the other side of the island where there is no more beach but much more vegetation. This place was as nice as the beach. You could feel so alone in that quiet place. So we just walked there and enjoyed it!

After that walk, we went to eat some seafood at the restaurant I talked about before. As I said, it was quite expensive but nice and tasty food. Then, we went for a last swim into the ocean and went back to Faro.

During the evening, I cooked the Ratatouille I talked about yesterday. We had a really nice dinner with our hosts and his friend.

The day after, we wanted to go to another city which was 2 hours away from Faro but we woke up quite late -we are on holidays and really want to relax 😉, so we preferred going to another island: Farol island.

This island was opposite to Ilha Deserta where we had been the day before. On this island, more people are leaving and the small village on this island is really nice with small houses with white walls, with ceramics and paintings on the walls,... This was really enjoyable to walk in this village as we did when we arrived and also before going back to Faro. However, when we arrived at the beach, it was very different from the one visited the day before: so many people were there lying down or swimming in the ocean... It's unfortunately not everyday that you can go to a remote place. So we walked for a while on the beach to go further away but even after arriving at the 2nd beach it was the same discovery: too many people... But anyway, we were there in Portugal to relax and enjoy so it did not stop us from having a good time. We stayed on the beach, enjoyed the ocean and ate some fruits: as I said before fruits in Portugal are much cheaper than in Germany and are VERY tasty. So as drinking Sangria, eating fruits was one of the things that we enjoyed doing druing our whole stay in Portugal. And now back in Germany, we are missing that!

Obviously as I just said after staying at the beach, we went to the beach bar for Sangria and girls' talk 😉 This was once again a very good day with the girls :D

When we came back home, the girls cooked a speciality from Ukraine called Varenyky. They cooked it with Salmon stuffing and patatoes stuffing. Both kinds were really delicious. It was again a very nice dinner with our host and his friend.

The next day, we were supposed to go to Lagos again, but we missed our train again. So our alternative plan today was to go to Faro beach. This is a beach which is closer to the city center where you can also go with the boat for a fairly cheap price (3€ return trip).

There, I am sure you could guess what we did mostly: swam, enjoy the sun and the beach and ... of course drank Sangria as usual 😉 For lunch, we met our host and his friend since they are not working very far away and they are often coming to this beach during lunch break to eat and take a quick swim in the ocean. What a nice life!! Imagine: every day at lunch time you can stay at the beach and swim to refresh! A dream!

During that afternoon, when we were drinking some Sangria at the beach bar, the waitress, who was really nice, told us that they would have some music later on. So we decided to go back to the beach for a few hours and then came back to the beach club to enjoy the early evening with music and sangria and really good-looking guys 😉 I think all the nice guys in Faro where gathered there at that time 😊 Hey, it's summer, so of course it's part of it :p

When we came back home, we had a very good dinner that Miguel's friend cooked for us. It was Italian pasta with spices. That was just perfect! It was the perfect way to conclude our stay in Faro.

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