Drive to Floro from Bergen NORWAY

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June 28th 2010
Published: June 29th 2010
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Midnight shotMidnight shotMidnight shot

in natural light in Bergen- weird !
Left Bergen in rather nice sunshine but weather deteriorated the further we drove and eventually we were driving in some pretty nasty rain. Cannot complain, as weather has been rather good to us so far and we have had lots of lovely sun and not much rain at all. Trouble with driving in the rain is that you cannot see the fantastic scenery around you, just all the drops of water on the windscreen. A pity as the route we took was lovely. We were basically going north up the coast but that is not actually possible in Norway with its multitude of islands, peninsulas and fjords every mile or so.
Instead we had to follow a winding route over bridges, under tunnels, across fjords via ferry, all with a backdrop of high, cloud-topped mountains, masses of pine trees lining the roads and carpets of wild flowers in the verges. Really it was often impossible to tell where the road was going to go next.
Not helped at all by the tunnels and must admit we got a bit fed up with those by the end of the drive. One minute we would be enjoying a lovely bit of road
Fjordside shot Fjordside shot Fjordside shot

through the rain
along a pretty fjord and the next we would disappear again down yet another tunnel, for miles and miles, and by the time we came up for air again the fjord would be miles away.
We realised that we had no idea how we had got into and out of Burgen as that route is tunnelled all the way.
The rain carried on as we took a ferry across one of the fjords and we unusually didn’t stay on deck for the sail across as just too wet. Once across though the rain stopped, the clouds cleared and it was really nice and sunny again.
We stopped for a little stroll in Floro, a fishing town which is also a main supplier for north sea oil and then did a weekly shop as spotted a nice looking Spar.
Then to our campsite a couple of miles out of town, which is not really a campsite but a fishing camp with a few bits of ground where touring motorhomes and caravans can park if they can find a flat space. It is on the coast though with lovely views across to the many off-shore islands. We spotted what was probably a
Poured with rainPoured with rainPoured with rain

as we crossed a fjord en route to Floro from Bergen
porpoise in the bay so that was good. Only one night here as we move further north, to Alesund, tomorrow.

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