Italy Travel epilogue

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Europe » Italy
June 1st 2010
Published: June 2nd 2010
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This has been a memorable trip. Italy has seeped into our psyche, and we loved sharing the lifestyle of this fabulous country with the people around us. We loved standing at bars in the early morning, drinking coffee and eating pastries as large cities and small country towns slowly stirred around us. We loved sharing exceptionally good food and wine with travel friends. We loved rambling through the backstreets of Italy, finding people who welcomed us wholeheartedly, regardless of our inability to converse in their beautiful language. We loved the picturesque countryside, the dramatic coastline, the monumental structures to Christendom and the incomparable passion with which food is served. Italy is a truly magnificent and magical place, and I know there will be a time, after travelling to other destinations around the world, when we will be drawn back to this place that has so captivated our heart and soul.

Grazie Italia, grazie!

Italy...they are certainly doing something right over there. The people are beautiful, the cities are grand, the countryside is romantic, the food is fabulous and the wine is to die for.

We visited 8 of the 20 regions in Italy and had an absolute blast doing it. As usual our itinerary was shaped by food and wine to a large extent, but we also tried to determine a balance between city and country, and nature and man-made. We were truly spoilt for choice on all fronts in this beautiful country. The overall impression left from this trip is that we fully indulged in beautiful Italian art, architecture, food, wine, landscapes and seascapes...and most importantly we were able to just ‘be’ and absorb the feel of the wonderful places we visited. However we both agree that it is the little vignettes of everyday Italian life we witnessed and were part of that we will recall with pleasure every now and again as we go about our lives.

I hope I was able to convey to you in mere words the richness and splendour of sights, tastes, smells and sounds we experienced! Visually my most vivid memories are...City: Venice by night from the Grand Canal; Country: the poppies in bright red bloom everywhere in rural Italy; Man-made: walking towards Michaelangelo’s David; Nature: walking the Cinque Terre and Path of the Gods treks.

A big thank you goes to my wonderful travel companion on this trip - obviously Andrew! But I also want to thank Alvaro, Claire, David, Taryn, Mick, Jennie, Pete and Susie for sharing some wonderful experiences with us, for their comic value, and for generally being fantastic travellers (and people). And last but not least, thank you to all of you who followed our travels through this blog...your comments and emails were much appreciated.

Arrivederci people, and long may you travel! 😊

Flying ships on this trip...
Korean Air (Melbourne-Seoul-Milan-Rome);
Korean Air (Rome-Seoul-Melbourne).


3rd June 2010

Coming Home
Both of your 'conveyance' was brilliant travel writing, and I for one appreciate the time and effort you put in to writing (and took out of your travelling and nanny naps). Having said that, 'We loved standing at bars in the early morning' could also be an enduring image, but only if taken out of context, of course. Hopefully you've had a bon voyage by now...
4th June 2010

Re: Coming Home
Hey Keith, Thanks! Yes back home and at computer 'trying' to work. Andrew is missing the coffee and holiday lifestyle very much, and Ren is missing the gelato and hotel living. By the way, takes one to know stander that is :)
4th June 2010

avidly agape in afternoons
Your travel blogs were wonderful--you both write so well that one is continually envious!! I could taste the food and felt heady after all the wine and limoncello, but loved every moment.
4th June 2010

Re: avidly agape in afternoons
Thanks Aileen/Mum! We could not have done it without your love and time for our four-legged ones - thanks so much again! xx
4th June 2010

My nightime fix has finished
I am really going to miss your daily blog. It was the last thing I did at the end of the night, so always went to bed with lots of wonderful thoughts of wine and food.and all the beautiful places you went to.Thankyou for sharing it with me and welcome home. Vino on the verandah now Andrew with scarf and beanie on. Where next???
4th June 2010

Re: My nightime fix has finished
Hi Aunty Deb - we're so glad you enjoyed the blog. We've slowly been getting used to the cold weather, but glad to be home with the four-legged babies :) Not sure we'll head next, but maybe China or Japan...

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