Verona and its architecture

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June 9th 2013
Published: June 12th 2013
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Viva Verona

At the end of our trip to the Italian lakes we had a couple of days in Verona which is a city I have always wanted to visit. My first impression on a hot Sunday afternoon was how busy it was! The place was packed, we followed the main tourist trail past the roman amphitheatre and through the shopping district to Juliet’s Balcony and then into the main square. My impression of it was like being at a football match or a concert where thousands of people are all making their way in the same direction to the same destination, it was mayhem.

We decided to head across the river to the old Roman Fort on top of the hill that offered a breath-taking panoramic view of Verona’s old town and out here the crowds started to thin and I started to get a glimpse of why it is such a renowned destination. We found a little bar next to the river with a great view of the Ponte Pietra which is the oldest roman arch bridge in Verona and very beautiful. By now the day trippers had left and we strolled through the old town enjoying the architecture before heading back to the main square for a drink and to watch the sunset over the amphitheatre which was easily the nicest part of the day.

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13th June 2013

is there a little park near there? if so, i had a lovely glass of wine waiting for ian and chel to do stuff. also, did you go on the little train ride aroiund the city? did you see the street where you can see roman ruins underneath glass? you know that fort at the top of the hill, there is a restaurant there and just around the bend was out campsite. did you give juiliettes boob a rub?
13th June 2013

No the place was so packed I could not get that close
13th June 2013

was this the tower you cpould climb up and was something to do with dante or is this the one in the middle of the villlage with the fountain?the water was quite nice there but i fiound a lovely little cafe while chel and ian climbed it and had champagne and little crisp things. are you sensing a theme?
13th June 2013

Hi Emma Yes it was that tower, I didn't climb it though, I went to the view point on the other side of the river

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