Pisa and Lucca - Tues 17/9/19

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Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Bucine
September 17th 2019
Published: September 17th 2019
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Silvia picked us up at 8:40am at Bucine and we drove for 2 hours for our first stop at the Martelli Pasta Factory in Lari. We were able to view the pasta being made and hear how hard pasta, made from semolina, is the easiest to digest. The pasta is extruded through bronze dies to make the pasta, which is rough in order for the sauce to cling to it.

From Lari, we drove to Pisa where we looked at the leaning tower. Photos do not do the angle of the lean justice.

After Pisa, we drove to Lucca and did a 2 hour walking tour with a guide from by the local tourist information centre.

Lucca is a walled city, where the medieval wall is 4km in circumference and 12m in width. Moats were on the outside of the wall to protect the city from hostile forces from Florence and Pisa, etc.

We started at Porta Sant’ Anna and walked to the Basilica San Michele and then onto the square with the building that was the birthplace of Giacomo Puccini. From here we walked to the walls at the North Gate, to view the walls and outside moat. After this, we walked to the Basilica di San Frediano, Amphitheatre Basilica, Palazzo Boccherini where the school of music was situated and finished off the tour at the Basilica di San Martin.

Additional photos below
Photos: 24, Displayed: 22


17th September 2019

Pisa and Lucca-Tues 17/9/19
Thank You for letting me share your experiences. Wish I was there. Enjoy.

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