Blogs from Rome, Lazio, Italy, Europe - page 4


Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome March 2nd 2021 1st March- The Colosseum in Rome My first virtual tour with Sara in Rome, I had read that she was a very experienced guide & although I have visited the Colosseum some years ago I thought I’d join the trip on Monday. Construction of the Colosseum began between 70 and 72 CE. The completed structure was dedicated in 80 CE. During the Roman Empire and under the motto of "Bread and Circuses" the Colosseum (known then as Flavian Amphitheatre) allowed more than 50,000 people to enjoy its finest spectacles. The exhibitions of exotic animals, executions of prisoners, recreations of battles and gladiator fights kept the Roman people entertained for years. The Colosseum remained active for over 500 years. The last recorded games in history were celebrated in the 6th century. Since the 6th century the ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome January 22nd 2021

30/12 Rome Another busy day ‘On Tour’ Saint Peter's Square Rome The dimensions of the square are spectacula: 320 meters long and 250 meters wide. The construction of the square was carried out between 1656 and 1667 with the support of Pope Alexander XII. The paving is varied by radiating lines to relieve what might otherwise be a sea of straight slabs. In 1817 circular stones were set to mark the tip of the obelisk’s shadow at noon as the sun entered each of the signs of the zodiac, making the obelisk a gigantic sundial. The Christmas tree this year is a 30-meter-tall, 7-ton Norway spuce stood glowing with pride, surpassed in height in its immediate surroundings only by the ancient Egyptian obelisk towering next to it. Hailing from the Kočevje area in southern Slovenia, the ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome October 14th 2020

During the covid-19 period additional rules were applied to the ones which were put in place in 2019. The steps surrounding the monument remained closed to prevent overcrowding. In addition, the social distancing rule of 1 metre, and the mask-wearing law which are currently in place throughout Italy, were being enforced by the municipal police and the military. On August 21st 2020 the police handed out the first fine of €400 to a visitor at the Trevi fountain who refused to wear a mask. (23 Aug 20, The Local Italy, ''Covid-19 : Rome's First Fine for not wearing mask handed out at Trevi Fountain'') The current law, states that all people must wear a mask whilst they are outside, as well as inside. The mask should be worn over both the nose and mouth, apart from ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome October 11th 2020

'In 1640 Pope Urban VIII initiated the rebuilding of the fountain. This project was presented by Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini.' (1) However, the rebuilding was not carried out, due to financial problems in the papal court. Competitions to design new fountains and structures were common during the Baroque era. 'In 1732, Pope Clement XII announced a competition for a design of a new fountain, in which the major artists of the time took part. The Pope chose the Niccolo Salvi project. The work started in 1732 and took 30 years to build. Salvi died in 1751 before the work was finished, and it was completed in 1762, by Giuseppe Pannini.' (2) The work we see today was the product of Pannini and Salvi. It was officially opened and inaugurated on May 22 by Pope Clement XIII. 'This ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome February 25th 2020

Never thought we'd do 'sports travel' but after several years of cheering on Scotland at Murrayfield we didn't renew our season ticket this year but decided to splash out on a trip instead to support the team on an away game, and Rome ticked other 'weekend away' boxes so despite the depressingly high flight costs (seriously) we just had to go for it. As usual we took early flights and therefore by the time we got the train from the airport to the centre of town, found the hotel and got sorted we were a bit shattered, also unnerved to see the Covid19 outbreak up in Lombardy. So it was just a stroll around and found the Colosseum, a marker to say 'we're in Rome' and also in the late afternoon sun a pleasing moment. Not ... read more
So proud of my silly hat
Scotland fans love a party

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome October 29th 2019

We couldn't help we set to walk to Maggiore...always trust a girl who can read a map upside down.. A wander through some other streets & entered the City through the Wall at Porto Maggiore....can't go wrong there. Maggiore itself is of the four Papal Basilicas...drawing a large crowd today. The outside rear is just as grand as the front. Repubblica Piazza with the the Bascilica Santa Maria degli Angeli. Our last stroll home through some typical Roman streets.... read more
City Wall Porto Maggiore
Old trams still in use
Maggiore facade

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome October 28th 2019

A last day to revisit some sights...tommorrow will most likely be taken up preparing for the big flights home. The Colosso (forum) can't leave without witnessing it's grandeur one last time. A shot of the Arch of Constantine. The Appian Way with all it's columns. The Trevi Fountain, we were so early they were still cleaning out the euros from the day no water running through the fountain. Columns being made use of today in Piazza di Pietra of the stock exchange building which was once the Temple of Hadrian in 145 AD. Pantheon & it's big hole in the that is clever. With the tomb of Vittorio Emanuele who was before Mussolini. Back to Piazza Nuova....the Four Rivers Fountain where we started our holiday. The Column of Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor). The Spagna ... read more
Arch of Constantine
Appian Way
Trevi Fountain

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome October 25th 2019

Hit the pavement see the most prestigious ranked Papal Basilica in Rome (even over St Peter's). And we were not disappointed. Obviously dedicated to St John the Baptist. As the Cathedral of the Pope as Bishop to Rome.. it ranks highest. Found our way through the Roman City Walls to S. Giovanni. Huge & moderately ornate compared to St Peter's. So many Masters of the Arts were commissioned by the Basilicas & Churches to paint frescos, mosaic, they were able to produce some magnificent pieces at no cost to themselves...hence they became so good at their own skills. There was demand for art in aiming to be prestigious as weatlthy families commissioned artists to adorn their churches & palaces. So the beginnings of the Renaissance. A walk onto Santa Croce in Guresaleme 325, a ... read more
Outside the wall
Inside the wall

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome October 23rd 2019

Two and a half hours and we are in Rome, ITALY, which is a very busy city with a population of almost five million. This is a picture snapping haven for Chris. In front of the Trevi Fountain, the tourists are 10 rows deep to view the marble center figure of Neptune standing on rocks. SNAP. The Pantheon is a temple dedicated to “all the gods”. Light emits only through a nine meter circular opening in the dome. SNAP. Of course it is important to walk up the 12 flights of the Spanish Steps. SNAP. A new day and onto the subway to arrive at the Vatican. While standing in line, a fellow convinces us to join a group with a guide and a four hour tour. Good decision as 38,000 people visit per day. The ... read more
Pasta Pasta Everywhere!
The Pantheon
The Pantheon

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome September 25th 2019

Ahhhh Rome. This was my third trip to this lovely city, and I was thrilled to be here. Originally, I was not going to come here this year, and fly out of another city, but if you ever have a chance to visit Rome, I suggest taking it, for it is worth your time I assure you. As my time was limited in Rome, I wanted to maximize every opportunity. Most of the things I did, I have done before, but again, it is such a joy to see and be in this wonderful place. This was more of a walk around time for me. Meaning, I didn't take any tours, but just enjoyed the vast historical and beautiful sights. After my initial arrival at the train station, I make my way to my hotel which ... read more

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