Italy 2017 part II - Naples

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May 11th 2017
Published: June 21st 2017
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Relocated from the catacombs to Fontanelle Cemetery

Naples - some above ground and some under

Visiting Pompeii was the main purpose of this trip but I did also see some pretty interesting things in Naples also. Here I will give you a quick resume of what I saw and did there.

As hinted in the heading above several of the sites I visited in Naples were under ground. I'll start with them.

• Catacombs - the Catacombs in Naples date back well over 1,500 years. The underground chambers were used for burials and hundreds of people once had their final resting place. As it turned out it wasn't to be their final resting place because when they opened the catacombs for visitors they also transferred the skeletal remains of the bodies to a new cemetery.

Several of the graves are decorated with frescos. Most of those frescos are well over a 1,000 years old. The value they represent as a cultural heritage must be enormous. Still they weren't protected at all until just a few decades ago. I find that a bit strange.

Fontanelle Cemetery - The skeletons that were dug up in the catacombs were relocated to this cemetery. If
Naples' catacombs Naples' catacombs Naples' catacombs

The Catacombs in Naples date back well over 1,500 years
you have a dark streak in you this is a place you might like to visit. The skeletons are all laid out in open air.

I remember a sign I once saw in a totally different place. It was a crypt where the remains of several thousand former capuchin monks were laid out in much the same way as the skeletons in Fontanelle Cemetery are. The sign said "What you are we once were. What we are you will become".

• Aqueducts - In Ancient Rome Naples fresh water was supplied via a vast system of subterranean aqueducts. I am fascinated by ancient water supply networks in general, I love Roman aqueducts, and underground systems in particular. I have visited impressive irrigation systems in Peru, China and Oman and I wanted to visit the one in Naples now that I had the chance. It was a good tour and it was interesting. I learned on that tour that the aqueducts also have been used as bomb shelter, during WWII, trash dump and as mines.

Of the things I saw over ground I can mention the following

Duomo - The cathedral in Naples is
Naples' catacombsNaples' catacombsNaples' catacombs

The underground chambers were used for burials and hundreds of people once had their final resting place.
an impressive structure in the Old Town.

• The old town - Narrow streets lined with old houses, churches and shops and restaurants catering for tourists. Naples' historical city centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Castel dell'Ovo - That castle has a funny name, the Castle of the Egg. The main reason to see it is the views because the castle itself is bulky and a bit ugly.

Galleria Umberto I - Shopping gallery built in classical late 19th century style with marble, granite and cast iron. An architectural and artistic gem. Sadly it was being renovated so I only saw bits and pieces of it. I will make sure to see it next time I come to Naples.

Naples National Archaeological Museum - The large archaeological museum has many finds from Pompeii and Herculaneum and other sites on display.

One thing I liked about Naples was the variety of things to see. I am interested in many things and in Naples I was served a buffet of those. There were also several typical Ake-sites in the vicinity, one active stratovolcano and a field with fumaroles, I didn't have time to visit so I could
Naples' catacombsNaples' catacombsNaples' catacombs

Several of the graves are decorated with frescos.
have stayed at least a week without getting bored. So here in the end I feel like quoting Arnold Schwarzenegger: "I'll be back"

Additional photos below
Photos: 26, Displayed: 24


Naples' catacombsNaples' catacombs
Naples' catacombs

Most of those frescos are well over a 1,000 years old. The value they represent as a cultural heritage must be enormous. Still they weren't hardly protected at all until just a few decades ago
Fontanelle Cemetery Fontanelle Cemetery
Fontanelle Cemetery

The skeletons that were dug up in the catacombs were relocated to this cemetery.
Fontanelle Cemetery Fontanelle Cemetery
Fontanelle Cemetery

If you have a dark streak in you this is a place you might like to visit
Fontanelle Cemetery Fontanelle Cemetery
Fontanelle Cemetery

The skeletons are all laid out in open air
Fontanelle Cemetery Fontanelle Cemetery
Fontanelle Cemetery

I actually enjoyed visiting this place and taking these photos. Does that make me a freak? Btw isn't is a bit funny that they have a lot of human skulls on display in a cemetery called "Fontanelle"...

I didn't manage to take any good photos from the actual aqueducts on this tour. This section where they displayed what the mines, which were also parts of the aqueducts, looked like is the only photo worth publishing I have from there
Duomo Duomo

The cathedral in Naples is an impressive structure in the Old Town
Street artStreet art
Street art

Cool street art
Castel dell'OvoCastel dell'Ovo
Castel dell'Ovo

That castle has a funny name, the Castle of the Egg
Views of NaplesViews of Naples
Views of Naples

Views of Naples across Gulf of Naples
Views of Mount VesuviusViews of Mount Vesuvius
Views of Mount Vesuvius

Views of Mount Vesuvius from Castel dell'Ovo
Royal palaceRoyal palace
Royal palace

Royal palace in Naples

Statue decorating the facade of the royal palace
Galleria Umberto I Galleria Umberto I
Galleria Umberto I

Shopping gallery built in classical late 19th century style with marble, granite and cast iron. An architectural and artistic gem.

Church in Naples' historical city centre

Obelisk in a square in the historical city centre

Obelisk in a square in the historical city centre

My signature, the corridor photo. I found this corridor in the historical city centre
Naples National Archaeological MuseumNaples National Archaeological Museum
Naples National Archaeological Museum

Decorated ceiling in Naples National Archaeological Museum

Statue on display in Naples National Archaeological Museum

Mosaic on display in Naples National Archaeological Museum

21st June 2017
Street art

I agree, love it!!
21st June 2017

It's obvious we missed parts of Naples :o)
22nd June 2017

Only scratching the surface
We all only scratch the surface when we visit a city a short time. I have read many blogs from places I have visited and thought I was finished with only to find out that I missed a lot of interesting places /Ake
24th June 2017
Basilica Reale San Francesco di Paola

One day, one day we'll get to Italy. When we do it has to be a long stay. So much to see!
24th June 2017
Basilica Reale San Francesco di Paola

I can take Italy piece by piece
I am lucky. I live in Sweden and it is easy and relatively cheap to fly to Italy. I can see Italy piece by wonderful piece. If you live further away you will need a long time only to see the most important places. /Ake
24th June 2017
Basilica Reale San Francesco di Paola

I can take Italy piece by piece
I am lucky. I live in Sweden and it is easy and relatively cheap to fly to Italy. I can see Italy piece by wonderful piece. If you live further away you will need a long time only to see the most important places. /Ake
28th June 2017
Fontanelle Cemetery

Exploring Naples
Nice photo
30th June 2017
Fontanelle Cemetery

Thank you/Ake

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