Scooter ride on Kisbee to Sisteron.

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Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Sisteron
September 9th 2016
Published: September 9th 2016
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Another glorious day. Perfect for a scooter ride. Only 12 km to Sisteron along the quieter D4 on the campsite side of the river so plenty of time to stop in Volonne on the way as Friday is market day. Hmm that was a mini market methinks. We didn’t stop long !

Off to Sisteron along the river, a nice ride. Over the bridge and into the town.

Sisteron is sometimes called the "Gateway to Provence" because it is in a narrow gap between two long mountain ridges and is perched up above the Durance river.

This is a really old town, inhabited for 4000 years. It's also very attractive and glad we visited this time as we've driven through before and wanted to. We found several buildings marked as birth places of local people from the 1500s.

We parked Kisbee and went for a wander. Some lovely colourful streets, full of arty and crafty shops. Some very old buildings and lots of very narrow alleyways leading downwards and upwards.

Downwards is the old town with some very tall buildings, 6 or 7 stories.

Upwards is the citadel, a castle which soars above the town from a rocky outcrop.

We had lunch in a café in the arty street then scootered up and above the citadel where we had a super view down over the town.

Back then over the bridge and back to the campsite as Bob wanted to check Kisbee’s back tyre was still well inflated.

Off again, across the bridge to Chateau-Arnoux in search of interesting sights but nothing here really though there is an attractive chateau on the main busy road through town. We stopped for a drink then back to the campsite nicely in time for a swim in the lovely pool.

Dinner was early. Was not going to risk being dinner for the mossies so ate well before the sun went down so we could stay outside. As soon as the sun hit the horizon we were inside Tandy, all screens closed. Rather too hot even with the fan on. A pleasant evening walk would have been nice but not when accompanied by flying biters. Bob has quite a lot of lumps from yesterday and I’ve a few of my own.

Bob switched the engine on for me for 5 minutes so I could chill in the aircon as got rather too hot cooking dinner.

One mossie did get past our guard but pleased to report it is now dead. As usual concerned as to whose blood it was drinking before it was squashed on the ceiling. Little blighter !

Tomorrow we head for the coast just East of Cannes. Hopeful campsite will not be full, will have room for us as it is weekend and weather is so good.

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