Lovely day for a swim in the Med.

Published: September 6th 2013
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Really pleased to realise when we woke that we were not driving today, not the Tandy anyway. As soon as we had had our breakfast of baguette and croissant, Bob unloaded the scooter from the Tandy garage ready for a trip to town. The scooter has spent a good part of the summer being taken to pieces, stripped down and put back together again as last time we used it, September last year, it was really struggling for power. It now has a new lease of life which is fortunate as we love our very well travelled 2003 Piaggio Diesis and would hate to have to replace it.

Our morning trip took us down into town to Sanary-Sur-Mer. We know the way now having visited before and parked on the edge of the market on the seafront promenade. We had a stroll, bought some lovely fresh fish, fruit and veg. from the market which seems to be there every day of the week and stopped for a coffee.

Coffee came but service was pretty bad, well appalling really, and I could only conclude the waiter didn’t like my English (pretty good if I say so myself) French accent. Whatever, he didn’t get a tip so probably now thinks his rudeness was justified.

No problem, there are more than enough places to get a coffee in Sanary-Sur-Mer, the place if heaving with nice bars and restaurants. There were an awful lot of people settling down for Moules Frites at 12 noon which seemed rather early to be tucking into such enormous bowls of food but maybe they had breakfast earlier than we did !

We scootered back to the Tandy, had lunch, including some rather nice patisserie which I had been unable to resist, then, changed into swimming things, we scootered along to Bandol beach. A lovely sandy, clean beach and we had a couple of hours swimming in the sea then reading in the sun before returning to the Tandy for dinner.

We have decided that the best way we are going to see Cassis is by train. I did have a thought of taking a boat but the trips only go round the bay to see the spectacular cliffs / Calanques of Cassis and don’t actually go to the town. Also, Saturday is the one day they don’t go from Sanary, only from Bandol so a potential boat trip is now ruled out.

I’ve checked the train times online and we can catch a train at 11.03 from Ollioules station, which is only 5 minutes on the scooter. Cassis station is 4 km out of town but there is a bus and I’ve checked the times of that as well so hopefully we will have a scenic 30 minute train ride, a day out in Cassis which is reputed to be a lovely fishing village and still get back to the campsite in time for a swim in the pool. Sounds very good to me.

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