Hot Day in Avignon

Published: June 13th 2023
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Glorious blue sky as we set out in Smart Car for Avignon. Just across the bridge over the Rhone but think we went a slightly long way round as the traffic signage is not at its best round here.

Avignon is completely walled and the traffic round the outer wall is Mad. There are mainly only 2 lanes to the road, one each way but every now and then there is room for a 3rd so they squeeze in a bus lane. Which does no good at all as 5 metres later that lane ends and the buses squash back into the lane with the normal traffic then stop at the bus stop ! Not helped by multiple crossings on lights so it is stop start all the way and yes we did witness one prang where the car 2 in front didn’t pull away fast enough for the car 1 in front 😊

We drove through one of the gate entrances into the city and failed to find a carpark but then found some on street metered parking so paid the maximum 4 hours by phone and took a photo of where we were so we could find it again.

The city is buzzing, with tourists and guided tours. This is a gorgeous place and there are lots of beautiful places to visit.

We of course found our way to the main tourist site, the Palace of the Popes, which is a set of absolutely magnificent buildings dating to the 1300s. We have been before, in 2003 and my records show we visited the palace but absolutely have no recollection of anything inside.

We paid to see the gardens and bridge too and it cost less than what we paid in 2003 so that’s deflation 😊
There are a Lot of steps and had to haul myself up a few of them as my knee is not over keen on quite so many. Considering the age of the buildings they are truly remarkable.

We popped into the gardens for a stroll and discovered just how hot the day had become. Then more steps and we were up on another level. There are a couple of truly superbly decorated rooms. These followed a room where I had struggled with the light which had dazzled me (developing cateracts can do that ). I walked through into the decorated room, lovely walls and fantastic floor tiles , turned to the right to take a photo and was told off, nicely by a curator. Sorry I apologized but pointed out I didn’t see the sign as that is to the left and I went to the right where there isn’t one.
‘There’s a sign outside as you come in’ said Mr Officious and unnecessary Dutch tourist who had not been asked for his opinion and made me very cross but I didn’t bother explaining I was still half blinded by the light from the previous room so couldn’t have read it if I had even seen it !

There is one area of the palace which appears to be a major concert venue, set up with the most complex seating. Would love to attend a concert there.

Eventually, by now pretty hot, we made our way down many steps and out. Now looking for the St Benezet Bridge, the famous incomplete Pont D’Avignon of the dance. Went the wrong way but it worked well as we found ourselves in a nice little square with a creperie and had a really good lunch of galettes.

Then back to our map and we found the river and the bridge. A handy lift was available so we took it as my legs were complaining about more steps. Boy oh boy was it hot on that bridge, in full sun and midday. Lots of people filming themselves dancing. Bob observed it would be the easiest thing to fix the bridge so it extended as a foot bridge to the other side again but it would lose them lots of revenue as a tourist attraction.

Back in the main city we set off to find the car as I realised we had only 20 minutes left to run on the parking and it appeared the 4 hours I had was not extendable. As we were parked near the outer wall it made sense to return to it by going round the wall on the inside.

I know there are fantastic ramparts to walk round but not when the temperature is in the 30s. We were exceedingly hot by this point. We walked and kept on walking and looking for the road with our car on, knowing it was parked quite close to a gate out. Found some wardens checking a line of parked cars and asked if they knew where ours was. Kind lady directed us to it but actually sent us a much longer way round. If I had kept on the way we were we would have got there much quicker.

Phew, back to the car and no parking offense ticket on the screen. Two bottles of water drunk and we hit the stop start traffic to get us back to the campsite.

We have decided we can’t do another Avignon city day tomorrow . May be an age thing but also one of heat and we really did get too hot today.

I did want to find a supermarket but Maps hasn’t so far found one for me, will have to go out to find one tomorrow.

Back at the campsite I threw lots of cold water over my head, drank another pint of cold water and then we went to the pool for a proper cool down. Went right away as thunder was rumbling round us and the sky had turned stormy and a storm was forecast. Absolutely right. We left the pool at the first drop of rain and the rain for first 5 minutes was torrential and there has been lighter rain on and off since then with thunder rumblings but nothing worse than that. It may well rain again tomorrow but after that think it should settle down.

At home in Staffordshire they have had really bad storms last two nights and our electric has tripped twice. So grateful to have an excellent neighbour who keeps an eye on everything for us.

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