Another long drive day but now at the coast at Vaux-sur-Mer for a couple of nights.

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Europe » France » Poitou-Charentes » Vaux-sur-Mer
September 6th 2017
Published: September 6th 2017
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We had rain in the night but when we got up it was totally clear and still. A gorgeous autumnal morning with a shimmer on the lake.

Away before 9.30 as another long drive especially as we were not taking the easy and fast option of the motorway but using the smaller country roads instead.

Found a few interesting small towns along the way. One was not expecting a 3.5 ton motorhome to pass through and had a street market all set up. Just squeezed through.

Tandy didn’t particularly like a couple of towns which had used massive speed bumps to slow the traffic down. Good thing Tandy is well constructed is all we could say as we rattled and shook up and over the humps.

We drove past fields and fields full of sunflowers. Some brown bowed heads waiting for the chop and others still yellow and happy smiles.

We headed down towards the Loire and crossed it at Saumur. Before that must mention the rather nice town of Le Lude to remind me it has a very interesting chateau which I’d love to visit next time we pass that way (and there is a campsite which is most important to us of course)


From that point we were on busier roads and most towns we bypassed, often ignoring Tomtom who sometimes thinks she knows better and tries to take us down roads where Tandy really doesn’t fit too well.

We stopped after Thouars for lunch but had to pull off the main road as there were no stopping places at all.

Then due south heading for Niort. As we meandered our way through there I remembered it from a previous near visit as a place to be bypassed. Then down to Rochefort which looked an interesting place to stop even if the road through was a bit tricky to follow and on to Royan after crossing the Charante river and the marais.

Our campsite is excellent. Flower Camping Le Nauzan. Just back from the sea in a rather smart area at the top end of Royan. Lovely pool, well two actually, one indoor and one out which is the one I used.

After dinner we had a stroll down to the sea, 450m we were told, to Nauzan plage. A lovely spot and so nice we stopped for coffee.

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Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


7th September 2017
170906 Vaux-sur-mer (93)

Scenic coast
Nice one

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