In search of wildlife and we found storks

Published: June 19th 2016
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Decided to visit the Marais d'Yves as we had seen quite a few interesting birds of prey on our drive to the campsite.

Followed the road along the coast south as best we could but not easy as they are building sea defences so part of the road was diverted. No obvious road to take and the only signs we saw to the Reseve were along the main road and as usual when we are on the scooter we try to use the nice quiet back roads.

The nice quiet back road we chose took us in completely the wrong direction and well away from the coast line. We backtracked and found ourselves on a dual carriageway but only 3km from an aire which promised to take us to the Reserve.

I don't know what it was reserved for but certainly not wild life. We did see 100000 small snails, attached to the flora but as for other fauna. Zilch. Not a bird in sight, even along the muddy shore line.

Back to the scooter but at least we managed to avoid the dual carriageway.

Suddenly we spotted something very interesting across a field so we scootered down and found a stork's nest on top of a dead tree. We thought at first the nest had adult birds and small chicks, possibly even eggs. Then the birds got to their feet and there were 3 of them, very big baby chicks indeed.

We watched them for ages as both parents came back in turn and deposited food. Couldn't see what the food was but there was a lot of ripping and tearing.

So glad I have a zoom lens on the camera and that it has movie mode as I managed to get some really good film including a parent bird landing back on the nest and clacking.

A magic moment indeed and well worth the trip out.

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