Blogs from Nantes, Pays-de-la-Loire, France, Europe - page 4


Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire » Nantes January 23rd 2009

Well it's been a while. Other than being incredibly excited to get Bush out and Obama in, nothing much has happened. Work has been the same minus starting some new classes this week and losing some old ones. I really love my new students, they are so much more receptive to me (it could be perhaps that I've learned from some mistakes! oh well!) and I'm really excited to see what all they can accomplish this semester. My school still continues to forget to tell me about cancellations and what not, I'm starting to be desensitized to their apologies.... oh well. Last week I met a Pakastani woman who is subbing for another English teacher and she and I have clicked really well. She speaks incredible English and French, so she's really good for me to ... read more
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Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire » Nantes January 8th 2009

I do, I really do need to write a book. Perhaps I will call it, France, An Efficient Person's or Just a Normal Person's Survival Guide I do not understand how this country, this place called France, has yet to be kicked out of the EU or just implode. I hear Germany and Sweden are the two countries being ridden on. This place can really drive an American girl mad! In these past few days, little events have occured that I cannot stand to think about because I might go crazy. Here's just a little list to give you an idea of how inefficient and smug France is! 1. About a month ago, Lauren took her laptop to a computer repair shop to have the fan replaced. She was told, oh no problem, we just have ... read more

Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire » Nantes January 6th 2009

Well this is a little late in coming, but hey I'm living in France and it's rubbing off on me! Well I'm back in Nantes, back to work after a nice 3 week vacation. (thank goodness for the strike! I'm anticipating the next one and going to have a party) New Year's in Paris was ok, the wind was blowing hard on the bridge next to the Eiffel Tower which made it rather cold, but we were happy to chat it up with a really sweet Venezualian couple while drinking real French champagne from the bottle. However, about 3 minutes before midnight, we started noticing that the crowd, and I mean crowd, was moving and pushing us off the bridge and we discovered it was police evacuating the bridge. Why? We don't know for sure, I ... read more
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Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire » Nantes December 18th 2008

Hello everyone! Good news: my computer virus is gone, thanks to my friend Dan! Well I'm writing you from my bed because I haven't gone to work since last week! My students are on strike! They have blockaded the entrance to the school and refuse to enter until, well lets just say that they somehow coincidentally chose the week before Christmas vacation and probably won't enter until the next semester. I have to say, I think this whole striking thing for the students is ridiculous, but I'm getting an extra week of paid vacation! This past weekend while Lauren and April were at Disneyland, I hung out with some coworkers and my friend Rachel, who also had a Christmas party on Saturday night. It was good fun. Other than that it was a kinda uneventful weekend. ... read more
Some of the girls
Rachel made us all do a shot of whiskey
Outside my school during the strike

Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire » Nantes December 11th 2008

Bonjour to all! I'm just lounging around the apartment listening to Christmas music while doing some gift wrapping etc. I just got home from babysitting which went really well and I hope I continue to get gigs like that to earn a little pocket cash. It's been a long time since I've babysat, having that plus teaching in a high school, I sorta feel like I'm in high school again! Who woulda thunk it? Anyways, this week has gone well so far, fast too. Monday I took a field trip with my school as a chaperone for the science students. We went to the Natural History Museum in Paris and it turned out to be really nice. It's built on a large campus with several different old buildings holding a variety of galleries. We went through ... read more
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Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire » Nantes December 7th 2008

Tis the season once again! Well it's that time of year for a Christmas tree! Lemme tell you, it's not so easy in this country! Lauren and I went to Ikea, of course, to buy a live tree for 20 euros and then if you return it in January you get 19 euros store credit. Some deal they have to make fertilizer with them afterwards.... So we get there and we find our Denmark made trees all wrapped up in netting and some covered in mud. After we picked out the one we thought looked best, we were sad to learn that Ikea doesn't sell tree stands. Our friend Anthony that works there told us that it was no problem to find one in the "target like" stores, so we thought, ok we will get the ... read more

Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire » Nantes November 30th 2008

Well Thanksgiving was a success! I spent all Friday night and all day Saturday whipping up the following: 10 pounds of mashed potatoes An 8 pound turkey with stuffing and 3 turkey legs Zuchinni Casserole Hot Apple-Mango Cider with Rum Cinnamon Butter Lauren made: Apple pie and Sweet Potato Casserole Other people brought: Bread Wine Salad Pumpkin Pie Cranberry Sauce Cheese and Crackers We had so much food! Everything turned out great, I have to say I was very proud of myself, I've never cooked a full out turkey nor stuffed it's behind cavity. :) There were 12 of us total and we wined and dined til about 1 or 2 in the morning and I was so exhausted. I had only slept 6 hours the night before! We mainly talked about the French traditions that ... read more
Xmas Market
Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire » Nantes November 27th 2008

A very happy Thanksgiving day to all my friends and family! Well, this is my first time having to be in a school on Thanksgiving day, however, I've made the best of it. I just had fun with all my classes telling them about Thanksgiving and playing games and watching funny cartoons about Thanksgiving. I got some interesting answers from my students when I asked them why we celebrate Thanksgiving. One student said it's the day when Gabriel told Mary that Jesus was coming and another said it was during "the war" when they didn't have food, and then one said Thanksgiving is turkey. Simply just turkey. Oh it gave me all kinds of giggles. So I shared the legacy of the Pilgrims and Squanto. Yay for me sharing my history. Yesterday we did the majority ... read more

Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire » Nantes November 20th 2008

Bonjour everyone! I am writing once again from the teachers room of my high school, again a long day of doing not much. So today is a very French day, the day of another strike. This time its the majority of teachers in France, protesting about changes that apparently are taking place next year, I thought a friend told me it was becoming more American and I cant help but to say that I think it might do them some good! So this strike, most teachers just cancel their classes or the students just automatically dont come to school. So I first had to change one of my classes to earlier in the morning so that a philosophy teacher could move his schedule up to attend the protests and strike for at least a half day. ... read more

Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire » Nantes November 12th 2008

Hello everyone! It's a lovely and sunny fall day here in Nantes, I'm sorry to hear about the recent weather in Iowa...Don't worry, I keep reminding my southern contemporaries that Nantes is not cold at all compared to where I come from! Well, I'm not writing to report any major fun outings or adventures, however, I am writing to let you know that I have found 2 American things: my gym and a restaurant here called Burger House. All the machines in my gym are in English and they have all kinds of classes like "body attack" or "self defense" that were designed in the U.S., as well as pilates and yoga etc. It's really nice to go there and see the few French citizens that look and excerise like Americans. :) Today, Lauren, John and ... read more

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