Last full day in France so off to the supermarket then a drive up to Pas-de-Calais ready for Chunnel home tomorrow.

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Europe » France » Nord-Pas de Calais » Saint-Omer
September 23rd 2017
Published: September 23rd 2017
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Woke to another misty river view. Very autumnal now.

Set off north along some quiet country roads and it was fortunate they were quiet as several were not very wide and visibility could at best be called heavily misted.

Bob had identified an Intermarche at Bapaume so we headed there and stocked up on wine for the winter and then all the nice things I like to put in my store cupboards.

On the way again, bottles rattling away under the table where we store them in two collapsible crates. It stayed very misty until midday but then the sky cleared to blue again. Nice of it as we leave tomorrow !

We had to detour round Bapaume as the road through town was closed but managed to find another, country road, to get us up to Arras.

From there we drove for several miles through WWl cemetery country. Stopped at one and discovered it was German, containing 44,000 dead !

Next one we stopped at was a British one with the gravestones poignantly labelled of the British, Canadian, Indian very young men, many still boys who went off on an adventure and never made it home. Next to it was an expanse of white crosses of French graves.

Two military graveyards is enough for one day so we carried on our way to St Omer and then Eperleques. The famers are all making good use of the excellent weather after what has been a very wet and disappointing summer for most of France and we saw thousands of heaped up sugar beet.

At our campsite, Gandspette, where we stay often as it is so good, a lot of the pitches were unusable because of the wet. We are on 17c (a reminder for next time as it’s a lovely sunny and big pitch with good wifi and near the sanitaires) and it has matting in the grass to prevent us sinking.

Only thing missing is the pool which is closed for end of season but I knew it was going to be so I can take it !

All packed up ready for an early start to Coquelles and the chunnel for the 10.20 which should get us home by mid afternoon.

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24th September 2017

We used to stop at the Tesco in Dover...
before crossing the Channel to France and then home to Brussels. Each country has something that others don't. It's been fun following you in your attempt to find warm sunny weather.
24th September 2017

Thank you xx
24th September 2017
spooky trees

Very mysterious
Nice photo

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