First night in France was party time

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Europe » France » Nord-Pas de Calais » Arras
August 25th 2010
Published: August 27th 2010
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Euro TunnelEuro TunnelEuro Tunnel

right behind Keith and Sue
Boiry-Notre-Dame (near Arras)

Up for a very early start. Quick shower, locked the doors and off, right on time at 7am. We were taking the Euro tunnel for a change, as had managed a cheap fare on the 2pm crossing but knew we could get an earlier one, still at the cheap rate, if we arrived earlier.
We had arranged to meet up for our first night’s campsite stop with friends Keith and Sue, who were heading for Italy. They were also getting the Chunnel at about the same time as us but even so it was funny when stopped at the services on the M20 for a lunch break and met them there.
Came up behind them again at the Chunnel and followed them onto the train (the 12.50 1.5 hours earlier than booked) and from there to our rather pleasant campsite (La Paille Haute) in a little village near Arras. We parked next to each other and pulled out the awnings so they met. This was very useful later as we had several showers but stayed cosy and dry underneath.
I tested the temperature of the pool and finding it lovely and warm, had a good swim before making dinner for the four of us.
A very pleasant evening which turned into a bit of a party as a family from Scotland, now living in New Zealand, joined us under the awnings with their son Callum who, a little later, became the saviour of the hour.
We were already aware that it is quite easy to lock ourselves out of the Tandy if the door catch is set wrongly and the door slams shut when we are outside. We have a spare key which is supposed to stay in the lock when we are on site, just in case, but the only time we remembered to leave it there some kind soul brought it over to us and explained we had left it in the door !
We were just putting things away, ready to go to bed, when the door of Keith and Sue’s motorhome slammed shut with a gust of wind. Sue tried but failed to open it and I knew immediately what had happened and that they were locked out. The lock button had been pushed down into lock position when the door blew shut. Very nasty moment as Sue knew that the cab
Party timeParty timeParty time

until the door slammed shut and locked Keith and Sue out !
doors were also locked as she had locked them and obviously all the keys, and everything else, were on the inside.
Callum saved the day. Keith spotted one of the locker doors was unlocked and that there was a way through to the inside but no chance any of use could get through.
Callum could though. Super Hero. He squeezed through and opened the door from the inside so Sue and Keith could get back in.
Am going to say one word, ‘Callum’, from now on every time we speak to Keith and Sue.


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