Long drive today from the Atlantic coast to Seissan in the Gers region of Gascony.

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September 8th 2017
Published: September 9th 2017
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Seemed like a long day’s driving today as we left one campsite before 9.30 and didn’t get to the next until after 4pm. The driving was all down to Bob of course. I just sit beside him, point him in the right direction when the route is unclear (sometimes my right direction is wrong !) and click, click away on my camera.

It was quite a long drive anyway, about 350 km which is plenty in a 3.5 ton Tandy. No motorways involved except the 20km stretch we were forced onto when the road was suddenly barred in front of us for road works. Not the first set of road works, or diversions today either. The first week in September always brings out all the road diggers and bollards in France as soon as the holidays are over.

Don’t think we’ve ever seen as many sunflowers in one day. Mostly waiting to be massacred, looking brown and dejected and heads bowed, some still smiling and yellow and some already beheaded and just stalks sticking sadly out of the ground.

On the other hand, neither have we seen so many vineyards. We’ve seen quite a few in our travels but today’s abundance beat the others hands down. Vines stretching for miles and miles and miles. No sign of harvesting yet but can’t be long now. My camera was itching to capture one of the lovely chateau scenes with vineyard running from the front gates to the front of the building but it's not easy from a moving motorhome especially once the windscreen gets travel mucky and I find that chateaux never pose exactly how you want them too when yquedirtailly atin a moving

At long last we were clear of Bordeaux and vineyards and chateaux and into the golden rolling countryside of Gascony. We drove through Condom which we’ve visited before a couple of times and then further south until we arrived at our rather delightful campsite at Seissan in Gascony.

Domaine Lacs de Gascogne is our rather lovely campsite, ACSI of course. View from our pitch to the lake, lovely pool area. Beautifully peaceful. If we’re not home by the end of the month you know where to find us !

By mid afternoon the sun was fully out and the sky blue, for the first time this holiday. Also the first time ever on a trip that I’ve got to day 5 and still not worn a suntop. Lovely and warm enough this afternoon though to sit and read by the pool after a swim.

Sadly the weather forecast for tomorrow is not looking at all good. Totally still as I type this but forecast for rain all day and windy. Let’s hope they’re wrong. Really fancy taking one of the canoes out on the lake as well as scootering round some of the lovely Bastide villages near here.

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