Heading north stopping at Honfleur for the night

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Europe » France » Lower Normandy » Honfleur
September 21st 2011
Published: September 24th 2011
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Time to set off for home which means heading north. Bob checked the map and found that there was a straight route, on good roads, all the way without having to use any motorways.
We didn’t stop for any sightseeing on the way just a quick break for lunch. We have been along the same route before or certainly several sections of it as we recognized places and buildings as we passed them. A very pleasant drive with the countryside and buildings changing from the white stones of the Loire to the half-timbered buildings of the Normandy / Calvados region. The fruit trees are absolutely dripping with fruit, it really must be an excellent harvest this year.
It turned into quite a nice day with blue sky nearly all the way as we passed through, or more accurately, by, Le Mans, Alencon, Lisieux. The main road tends to skirt past most town centres, just glimpses off to the side of spectacular churches, pretty bridges and some very flowery streets.
Destination for the night is the Aire at Honfleur where we have done overnight stops several times before. Found the price has risen to €9 from the €7 we paid last time we stayed here in 2008. This is too expensive for what is really just a car-parking spot, though we did manage to hook up to an electric point for the first time. But this is such a good location which explains why there are another 100 motorhomes parked here as well and why we will undoubtedly stop off here next time we are in this direction.
Just 5 minutes stroll along the dock and we are in the town ready for a walk round the lovely enclosed harbour lined with multi-storey, slate-faced buildings and up the narrow streets full of artists shops and shops selling lots of desirable things ! We stopped for a drink at the bar on the harbour where we always seem to find ourselves and as usual discovered that the drinks are extortionately priced costing €8.90 for a coffee and small beer. No tip ! Handy though was the free wifi signal coming from the bar next door which we made use of. Had to hurry back to the Tandy afterwards as, as forecast, it started to rain. We are not complaining about this as the weather really has been pretty kind to us on this trip and rain has not been any sort of a problem.
One more night after this and then home so we will stop at the supermarket as we leave Honfleur in the morning to stock up on wine for Bob and some of the nice French foods I like to take home with me, such as soft walnut cheese, olives, galette biscuits etc etc.

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10th March 2016

Foteyvroud abbey
Gday Bob, Grandma's ( Isabella de Angeloume)not buried with her husband , the fella beside her is her brother in law (King Richard 1st) She was married to his brother King John who's buried in England, (he was the chap that was forced into signing the Magna Carta , Isabella married Hugh de Lusignan after King John died and had nine more children, the second born was William de Valence, That's my ancestor, The reason poor old King Richard is there is because he copped an arrow in the arm in battle and because there were no antibiotics in those days he passed away over there, Cheers terry

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