Drive through Normandy to Le Voy on the river Orme

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Europe » France » Lower Normandy » Clecy
August 28th 2011
Published: August 28th 2011
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Campsite : Camping les Rochers des Parcs at Le Voy / Clecy.

Real change to the weather overnight and windy enough to rock the Tandy a couple of times. Not a problem that it was very grey and overcast when we got up, as planned to be a driving day.
Heading west and a bit south we took to the road, ignoring all motorways and accidentally taking a few rather too minor roads as Clarissa Tomtom got a bit carried away. We passed through a few pretty towns and villages with the classic timbered buildings so common in this area and lots of lovely flowers. Several times we also passed through and under some rather heavy rain.
We avoided Rouen as we have a bit of a phobia about that city after our towbar problem of 2008 and crossed the Seine over the impressive Pont de Brotonne. Bypassed Caen and then into the Swiss Normandy area along the Orme river, an area we have not visited before.
Initially we were not impressed by our campsite though we were given a select river side pitch. It was very full, with lots of (other people's) children and next door, very close, was a big set-up for 3 families but we were assured that they would all be leaving later, which they did.
The rain had stopped and the sky cleared nicely so we went for a stroll, across the bridge, to the other side of the river as we could see that all activities were on the other side of the river from the campsite. This is a canoe and kayaking heaven and there were cars parked for a mile following the length of the river and people walking and boating. We walked to the viaduct 1Km upstream and then back.
Wanted to take a campsite shot across the river and the weir to show the Tandy parked on the river’s edge but the families ‘next door’ though packing up had not moved off so will do that tomorrow. They went just as we arrived back so Bob moved the Tandy into a better spot a few meters along and we are now parked with a full view to the water. Will stay here for another day as it is very pleasant and peaceful, only thing missing is a pool as really can’t fancy a swim in the river.

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e Pont d'Eveque. Really pretty town we have passed through before. e Pont d'Eveque. Really pretty town we have passed through before.
e Pont d'Eveque. Really pretty town we have passed through before.

One day we will stop and admire on foot and not just from the Tandy !

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