Back to France to start the three day drive home. First stop Chataillon-sur-Seine

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Europe » France » Franche-Comté
September 21st 2022
Published: September 29th 2022
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Note.. Can't tag this to Chataillon-sur-seine as that is not listed in either Burgundy or France Comte which is where it is !

Really rather sad to leave our campsite at Viileneuve on Lake Geneva. The campsite was absolutely great and suited us so very well. Almost direct access to the lake side, a restaurant and bar, motorhome service point and in such a superb location, everything we needed. Think it is probably the best located sited we have ever used.

Had to take a stroll down to the water’s edge before we left. The sky still slightly tinged early morning pink and a line of pretty cloud draped across the mountain. I took some of my bird feed supplies to give to the two swans who were in the canal but they shrugged their wings at that and demanded bread. Some passing gulls soon finished it while I took some rather lovely photos of the wonderfully peaceful view. Will be a sight to gladden my heart in winter when we are stuck at home 😊

Was concerned last night about Bob’s right knee. He has ‘done something’ to his ligaments and he has been careful with it since we came away. Yesterday I think the climb up the watchtower at the nature reserve, 3 flights of steps, did it no good at all and later he was totally stuck and couldn’t move it. Ice-packed it first with the remains of the Chinese stirfry veg (now in the bin 😊) then lashings of Voltarol and some paracetamol and then support bandaged. Relieved when we woke that he could move it again as we needed to be on our way.

Have three days of driving, back to France and then up through France to the coast to catch the ferry to Dover on Saturday morning.

We stopped for fuel on the way out of Villeneuve. Had 30chf left in notes so Bob just put 29.95chf worth in and said we would fill properly later.
As it happened when he checked the wallet later he found 90chf more in notes and neither of us can quite explain that. Was sure we had no Swiss currency left as we didn’t start with much as we use the credit card most of the time. Never mind will exchange it back at Tesco when we get home.

An uneventful drive. Motorway back to Lausanne and up through the hills until we came to the French border. We could tell we were in France as the roads became bumpier (The Swiss seem to maintain all their roads so very well). Through customs and barely a glance from the French police at our Smart Car on its a-Frame behind the motorhome. Then up through France, the Doubs, with a few windy roads but mainly no problem at all.

We stopped for lunch and remembered I had forgotten to get the bread out of the freezer so improvised and made chipolatas to go with the cold meat and salad. Very well received, must make that again.

Heading for Dole we switched from the motorways we had used to get us out of Swizerland to the local roads and took a more countryfied route up to and around Dijon and then north west to our stop for the night at Chataillon-sur-Seine.

We followed a big truck for miles and miles and I was sick of the sight of it after a while as whenever I wanted to take a photo as we passed a pretty building or through an attractive village that damned truck was always there first ! 😊

We realised 40 miles away from the campsite that we hadn’t passed a service station for miles and miles and we were getting very low on diesel, having only put 30chf in and that doesn’t go far at 2.22 chf per litre.

Found a station just before we needed to turn to the campsite but horror of horrors, a big queue, into the road and including a fire engine. Did not bode at all well for diesel supplies and I have seen several reports on motorhome Facebook groups in the last few days of shortage of diesel here in France.

Fortunately at the other side of town we found the Intermarche and filled up with some relief then back to the campsite, up a rather narrow approach but the campsite (Camping Louis Rigoly) is fine and only 14 euros a night with ACSI. Managed to find a drive through pitch so Smart Arse can stay hitched up ready for tomorrow.

Just a little stroll from the campsite as the road down to town maybe short but is rather steep which means steeper coming back up and the footpath alternative includes about 100 steps which we were not risking with Bob’s knee. I contented myself with photos of lots of tiled roofs. The town does look well worth a visit so will remember for next time we pass this way.

I do wish though that someone would explain why so many French campsites don’t bother to supply paper in the loos……

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1st October 2022

A lot of wow wows in this blog!
1st October 2022

Wow wow
We had Such a good time.

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