Plan A, no Plan B. Abandon that, go home sick.

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Europe » France » Corsica
June 1st 2016
Published: June 12th 2016
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June trip all planned. 1 week to South of France, ferry to Corsica. 2 weeks round the island, ferry back to Toulon then slowly home.

Then the French started playing silly wotsits and striking and burning tyres all round France and especially the areas we needed to be to get to Corsica.
Plan A Corsica put on hold. Ferry rescheduled for September when hopefully the strikers will have got bored and gone back to work.

Plan B. Let's go to Tuscany in Italy via Switzerland which will require only minimal driving through France and therefore no problem with lack of fuel.

Packed and ready in good time but found it difficult to motivate myself as had developed a rapidly worsening cough and throat.

Got up to leave first thing on the Wednesday, unable to swallow, cold, temperature and very sleepy. I persuaded Bob I would be ok and we left.

Slept to and through the chunnel and to the campsite at Eperleques. Freezing cold and raining when we got there which helped Not a lot. Slept.

Slept again next day as Bob drove us to the coast at Le Crotoy having abandonned idea of Italy as he was coughing too, didn't feel up to a long drive and there was in fact no French fuel crisis.

Freezing at Le Crotoy, sea air too bracing to be healthy so slept again and all the way to Dieppe next day where Bob drove us onto the ferry for home.

Arrived home at 3am on the 4th. Happy Birthday to me.

One week later after a week of wonderful sunshine and a lot of restful, recuperative snoozing in the garden, Bob rebooked our ferries, we restocked the fresh food, clothes still in Tandy so no problem there and we were good to go again.

I've been very, very quiet since the start of the month as the coughing has taken my voice away but I can always whisper and whistle instead of singing and I presume it will come back in its own time.

At least we've had a week of lovely English summer and we've really enjoyed it. The garden is looking glorious, the blue tits left their nest box on our last day at home so they were lovely to watch. Tandy all packed and ready to go again 11 days late but just in time as the weather has broken and England has turned Wet.

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