Locronan (Apologies missed an R when I spelt it Loconan) and drive to Carantec near Roscoff

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September 5th 2010
Published: September 6th 2010
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Locronan and the antiquities fairLocronan and the antiquities fairLocronan and the antiquities fair

Previously spelt this lovely town name as Loconan. That was incorrect as I missed the R. I was consistent though as I spelt it wrong in the title, the text and all photos. Oops, sorry to anyone I confused.
As we had only a short drive to Carantec, on the north coast of the Finistere peninsula, we took a detour via Locronan. This was recommended by a Dutch couple on the campsite as I had suggested Douarenez to them.
Excellent parking arranged to visit this medieval town, as no vehicles allowed inside. Paid the man €3 and found our spot. No problem with that as we can be happy that we are reasonably secure if there is someone overseeing the carpark.
There was an Antiquities fair in town for the day, through the medieval streets and the main square, which made it even more interesting. Browsed some very curious curiosities but managed to ignore any urge to buy.
Managed also not to go into too many of the rather good and enticing shops, fortunately as the prices were aimed at the more selective tourist (!), but did find a little mouse for Lynne, as holidays wouldn’t be the same without our little mouse spotting expedition. The church was wonderful. 1300s and you could smell the age inside impregnated into the stonework. The pulpit was wonderfully carved in cameos. The stained glass windows were incredible. Well worth going out of our way to see this, one of “les plus beaux villages de France”.
We returned from the coast by way of Chateaulin, where we once again failed to find anywhere to stop, because the town is all set up ready for a fairground through the streets and along the river. A shame as it looks a very good town to explore.
Our campsite is a holiday village, Les Mouettes, on the outskirts of Carantec, just round the bay from Roscoff. Would be most unsuitable for us normally as it is very family orientated but now it is quiet / out of season and fantastic value at only €15 all in with our ACSI discount card. It closes in a week’s time so most pitches are empty but all the facilities are still up and running as per high season. An excellent choice for our two night stop.

The pool complex is absolutely superb and the campsite would need to be pretty full for there to be any problems finding space in the water to swim. One massive (heated) wonderful pool and another ‘canal’ complete with full sized water shoots. Plus sauna, hot tub, Jacuzzi…. The icing on the cake is the indoor pool (I almost borrowed someone’s child to take into the lovely kiddie’s area) which has only been built this year. I chose this site so we could use the indoor pool if and when it rained as sunshine has been forecast to change to rain any day now.

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locranon chapellocranon chapel
locranon chapel

see how the windows cast their colours on the floor. magic.

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