Day out to Belle-Île-en-Mer with Kisbee

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June 16th 2015
Published: June 17th 2015
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Kisbee Scooter was very excited when we woke up and told it it was going on a ferry trip across to Belle Ile en Mer. The island is clearly visible from Quiberon but is 14km and 45 minutes away.

We were up and out of the Tandy by 8.30 and scootered down to Port Maria to catch the ferry.

I was directed to the foot passenger queue while Bob and Kisbee shot up to the front of all the other waiting vehicles.

The 9.30 am ferry is obviously a popular one as there were a lot of other people catching it. Bob was already settled on the top deck by the time I got through the queue as he and Kisbee had been first on.

We had both taken fleeces against the cold but it wasn’t, as we set out to a full, blue sky, day. Lovely, the first we’ve had in two weeks. By the time we arrived on the island the sky had clouded over but it cleared an hour later and then it was Hot.

A rather chaotic disembarkment at Le Palais as the ferry jetty is pretty well in the centre of the small town. Lots of comings and goings and bicycles and hire cars and vehicles off the ferry in quite a confined space. We parked the scooter and let everyone sort themselves out while we had a wander round town.

The main harbour is behind the main street and was almost dry, none of the boats in there were floating. Very much low tide. All the same it was a very pretty scene as the buildings which line it are very attractive. So were the contents of many of the lovely shops.

Belle Ile, like Quiberon, was once a thriving fishing place but over the last century the fishing has been mainly replaced by tourism.
We could see why. This is an absolute delight of a island. A haven for cyclists, walkers or just a peaceful getaway.

We had a coffee on the seafront then back on Kisbee we headed along to the other ferry port town (in season) Sauzon. A Lovely quiet road for scootering along through fields of wild flowers and so peaceful we could hear the birds singing.

Sauzon is another treasure. Harbour empty of water like Le Palais and very picturesque located up a long sheltered estuary. We walked up to the river mouth where the ferry port is located but not currently operating and stopped for a while then strolled back to the harbour. A delicious lunch of galette and then we sat and watched the water flooding back into the harbour and around the boats as the tide rose.

Hadn’t realised quite how hot and sunny it had become though by this point the sky was cornflower blue without a single cloud. I did find out later when I had to apply my favourite remedy for hot skin of green slime (aloe vera gel). I would normally have a short sleeved shirt with me on a scooter day out like this for cover-up but it’s not been necessary up to now as proper sunshine has been in such short supply. Caught me unawares and I will regret it now for a couple of days !

Back on Kisbee we rode back along the island heading for the south coast at Port Coton. Not many buildings here though there is a lighthouse with a small village at the foot where impressionist painter Claude Monet lived for a while and painted his picture “Les Pyramides” in 1886.

The coastline is sensational. I’ve taken photos but cannot do it justice. Soaring sheer rocky cliffs fall down to the sea in a jagged line filled with deep coves and fissures and inlets and between these are tall peaks of rock called “Les Aiguilles”.

Another wonderfully peaceful place though we weren’t the only ones enjoying the walk along the cliff tops. I walked along one long thin spit of land which jutted way out into the sea and had to retreat with an attack of vertigo. No looking down the cliff face in search of gull babies here, far too steep.

We did though spot some Oyster Catchers with their babies on an inaccessible cliff, or at least the telephoto lens of the camera did.

Back then, rather regretfully, on Kisbee and back to Le Palais in time to catch our ferry back to Quiberon. What a lovely place and one we wouldn’t hesitate to return to.

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