Detour to spend a night on the cliff tops above Quiberon

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September 2nd 2010
Published: September 2nd 2010
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Les Roches-BernardLes Roches-BernardLes Roches-Bernard

Stopped here for lunch on route for Quiberon
Time to move on. Nearly knocked another point off my campsite rating when I had to wait 10 minutes for someone to appear, with no apology, at reception so I could book out. Pointed out the date in the ACSI book when the services should close, not 4 days earlier as actually occurred, and got a very Gallic shrug in response. “C’est une erreur” she said, “as if I care” she undoubtedly muttered under her breath .. Even less impressed when Bob used the grey water dumping spot and damaged a trim on the bottom of the Tandy getting off it as it is very stupidly on a high ramp.
We drove back across the marais and headed direction Vannes. At one point I spotted a name on the map I liked, La Roche Bernard, so got Bob to go through the town rather than using the bypass as commanded by Clarissa Tomtom. Turned out to be a very nice town indeed with a full scale marina built into a little inlet in the Villaine river which seems to have been turned into a little tourist spot complete with several very busy restaurants. We stopped for lunch and strolled along the marina then carried on our way.
Quickly realised as I started to nod off, that the road dictated by Clarissa was very nearly motorway style, i.e. Dual carriageway and boring as completely bypassed anything of interest. Was checking the map for the best way to turn off for a more minor route when Bob suggested we detoured via Quiberon. Went there in May 2008 and stayed at an aire out of town, on top of the cliffs with lovely sea view.
So that is what we did though it confused the hell out of Clarissa and had to switch her off to shut her up.
Found the aire and discovered it has doubled in size. Parked up in good spot so we can see the sea and went for a walk along the cliff top to the café we knew was a mile along. Very nice ice-cream and needed it as very hot again. So hot in fact that I had to resort to suntan lotion on my shoulders.
Watched some pretty birds flitting round us and identified them later, from some photos I took of them, as Wheatears. Always good to actually work out what it is we see.
Made an especially good dinner of fish pie using some whiting we bought at the supermarket and was entertained throughout my cooking session by two very loud Italian couples from the adjacent motorhomes who put the whole world and his mate to rights right outside my window. I retaliated in true Brit fashion with a selection of loud Italian arias on the Ipod.
This really is an excellent aire. Wonderful view down to the sunset later and very hopeful that a bread van will appear in the morning as it did last time.

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Our aire Our aire
Our aire

Overlooking the cliff tops of Quiberon.

Lovely walk along the cliffs to the ice cream bar

over Quiberon rugged coastline

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