Lovely lazy day visiting friends spent mostly in the pool

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Europe » France » Aquitaine » Bergerac
June 20th 2022
Published: June 22nd 2022
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What a lovely day we have had.

We were invited to visit friends for a long leisurely lunch at their gite in Lamonzie, near Bergerac. When I say friends we had never actually met but had been talking to each other on Facebook for 2 1/2 years as we are both sellers on the same online platform. Such a pleasure to find we got on really well and our husbands hit it off right away too.

Lunch was on the patio, in the shade as it was Hot and lunch was perfect, salad and cheese and all sorts of lovely French nibbles.

Then it was pool time and have to say the rest of the day was spent in and around the pool, swimming, chatting and keeping cool.

Had a pretty amusing hour which I will call "swimming with ants' when we realised we were being bombed by flying ants which were flooding the air above the lawn behind the pool. They were then heading straight for the water and many fell in ! Until a net was found to catch them and scoop them out the surface of the water was mainly comprised of ants. We were in the pool with them too for some time as we tried to escort them towards the pool filters.

All in all a pretty super day and the ant antics just added to the general happy atmosphere. For a long leisurely lunch it did get quite late. It was only when I picked up my phone to check something and saw it was 6.30 that we all realised quite how long a lunch it had been.

Many thanks to our new friends for such a super day.

Didn't mention but must that the drive there and back was also a delight. Through several really pretty villages with some gorgeous buildings and the countryside in this area is a real pleasure to see.

So back to the motorhome and no need for a swim as we had been chilling in the pool most of the day already. We did do some rather good bird watching at the back of our pitch. I had spotted a nuthatch on the tree so put food out under the tree. I always carry food with me,, sunflower hearts, suet pellets and peanut kernels and it seemed the nuthatches had found their bird table. There was a pair of them rushing backwards and forwards and obviously feeding young in another tree a bit further along. What a delight these pretty birds are. May take a minute to find the best photo as I took quite a lot ..often of a tail disappearing as they do move fast.

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Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


23rd June 2022

I have a pair feeding at my suet bird feeder every day. I love looking out my office window to see all the birds that come my way!

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