Ferry - Harwich to Esbjerg

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June 13th 2010
Published: June 14th 2010
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Garden coming into summer bloom now abandoned to the English summer
We have a new motorhome for this trip, one with a garage so the scooter can go inside instead of hanging precariously off the back. This is an Italian McLouis TANDY 366G and it is very smart. Let’s hope it is also reliable.

Gave the garden a wave as we left as it is about to burst into glorious summer flower which we will completely miss. Also to all the baby birds which have been feasting in our garden these last few weeks, including the robin which comes to the kitchen door for suet pellets, but have left a pot of bird food and asked next door to put some out for them every now and then. Don’t normally feed after June as that is when the noisy Charlie Boys (Starlings) move in en masse.

Good easy drive to Harwich. Most of the way dual carriageway. Stopped by Grafham water for lunch but refused to pay parking of £3 per day for just a sandwich break so risked it.
At the port as we booked in we were asked what gas cylinders we were carrying and told that over 11kg is not permitted on the ferry (prior notice would
On the ferryOn the ferryOn the ferry

Bob and I on the ferry to Esbjerg from Harwich
have been good !). After a bit of a nod and a wink across the cab Bob agreed with me that our 2*13kg cylinders were of course only 11kg and we were through.

Slow loading onto ferry as very narrow lanes on the vehicle decks and also have to turn round to come off same way as go on. Got slightly hit on back end by another mvan’s wing mirror - lanes being that narrow !

Only place to eat on the ferry was proper restaurant so we celebrated our wedding anniversary early and had the good but costly buffet. Crossing quite calm. All is good.


14th June 2010

I came across your blog by accident, but I'm excited for your road trip and look forward to seeing some photos! Sounds like you're going to have such an amazing time! My blog is looking for travel photos, reviews, etc, to share. If you have the time, check it out at dirty-hippies.blogspot.com, or email me at dirtyhippiesblog@gmail.com. Continued fun on your travels and happy anniversary! Heather :)

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