Blogs from Central America Caribbean - page 3


Central America Caribbean » Dominica » Portsmouth January 23rd 2024

Ubytování nás nezklamalo. Vítá nás Ellie, majitelka Caribbean Sea View Holiday Apartments, a je ráda, že nám zpráva dorazila. Ptám se jí, jakou zprávu má na mysli? No přece tu, že už je vše připravené a nemusíme čekat až do večera a můžeme se rovnou ubytovat. Aha, tak to je to pípnutí mobilu, když jsem řídil vlevo a proplétal se úzkými uličkami obce Saint Joseph. Ihned se tedy ubytováváme a jsme apartmánem nadšení. To bude krásný odpočinkový týden s výhledem na Karibik. Pláž je přímo pod námi, ale vzhledem k zažívacím obtížím z plavby, odkládáme koupání na zítřek. Teď se majitelky ptáme na základní informace typu, kde nakoupit, čím se platí, kde mají platební terminál atp. Po obdržených informacích se rozhodujeme, že peníze si vyměníme v bance v Portsmouthu, což je druhé největší město Dominiky a ... read more
2024-01-20-04 Caribbean Sea View Holiday Apartments 04
2024-01-20-06 Caribbean Sea View Holiday Apartments 06
2024-01-20-09 Vlajka Dominiky 02

We were happy with our choice of taking an Uber from Guatemala City to Panajachel on Lake Atitlán. It was pretty speedy - a little too speedy at times - and got us to our hotel at check-in time with military precision! The url= Posada Gutierrez was a short walk out of town which we preferred as we had read that the bars could get quite lively. It was a bit expensive for what it was but we were generally satisfied with the place. Breakfast was good and there was always access to filtered water for our bottles. Walking down Calle Santander can be a bit hectic. That's where the loud bars are, and believe me they are loud! There are also some great restaurants there, offering pretty good value for decent quality meals. The street ... read more
Incredible sunset
Great murals
They had a graffiti paint shop!

Central America Caribbean » Dominica » Roseau January 19th 2024

Ostrov Guadeloupe nám mizí ze zorného pole. A kluci jsou z plavby nadšení. Začínají se objevovat větší vlny a vypadá to, že se na nás žene bouřka. Snad se nám vyhne. Janíček přestává volat nadšené jupí s každou vlnou a sedá si do sedadla. I Jonášek se zklidní a už nechce stát a dívat se z okénka a také si způsobile sedá na sedačku. Najednou se objevují stevardi v červených tričkách a rozdávají velké modré igelitové pytle. Zuza si jeden bere, protože to vypadá, že na Janíčka jde mořská nemoc. To už se typické dávivé zvuky ozývají z různých koutů kajuty. I já stahuji úsměv a cítím, že se začínám potit. Znoj mi skapává z čela, ze skrání i z krku. A to už Janíček využívá s maminčinou pomocí darovaný pytel. A jelikož je Jonášek solidární ... read more
2024-01-19-02 Trajekt 02
2024-01-20-09 Vlajka Dominiky 02
2024-01-20-20 Auto na Dominice 01

We decided to return to Central America this year and travelled with Iberia from Alicante (via Madrid) to Guatemala City. We didn't really know what to expect so we booked a little comfort to start the trip with three nights in the Barceló Hotel. Although it's only a couple of kilometres from the airport, we arrived at rush hour and even in an Uber (booked thanks to the patchy WiFi at the airport) the journey took half an hour or so. The traffic was quite something and I'm not sure we had really anticipated being in a cab and drinking in the city's fumes so soon after our arrival. The hotel was nice but a bit off the backpacker scene that would probably provide most of the rest of our accommodation. Breakfast was, as you would ... read more
Plaza España
14 Grados Micro-brewery
Touristy Market

Konečně nás taxi dovezl na ubytování. Máme pronajatou řadovku a Amina, naše francouzská pečovatelka, nám ukazuje byt. Téměř nevnímáme, neboť kluci už opravdu chtějí spát. Nejhorší informace, kterou obdržíme, že si máme dávat pozor na komáry. Na Guadeloupe, třebaže je suché období, řádí horečka dengue. Takže je rozhodnuto, Zuza s kluky zalézá do patra, kde je postel s moskytiérou, a já zůstávám ve spodní ložnici, kde jede naplno klimatizace. Máme repelent, ale stejně jsme všichni alespoň jednou štípnutí. Snad to bude v pořádku. Já jsem parádně dospal celý spánkový deficit. Zuza to má horší. Jonášek vůbec nemohl celou noc zabrat a budil i Janíčka. Ráno byl Jonášek nadšený, že už vstáváme. A za chvíli z horní ložnice přichází Janíček s výčitkou, že spal sám. Uchlácholení, že tam byl sám jen chvilku, nepomáhá. Po skromné snídani, kterou ... read more
2024-01-18-02 La Gosier hrad z písku 01
2024-01-18-04 La Gosier hrad z písku 03
2024-01-18-06 La Gosier hrad z písku 04

This island never disappoints. We motored over the reef in a glass bottom. There was room enough so the every could get a view. I saw my blue tang, my needle fish, lots of parrots, butterfly fish and Sargent majors. The coral looked stressed but I know the locals are doing everything they can to protect it. Lots of pipe organ corals, and brain corals. Every now and then we spotted something bright yellow or vivid purple but I couldn’t identify it. The Captain was knowledgeable and personable and I enjoyed fish spotting. And then….i caught a cold. Sore throat, coughing, and a temp. Went to sack bay and got some cough medicine, took a covid test, negative, and I’m feeling better. We are at Grand Turk. I bet the snorkeling here is outrageous. Tonight is ... read more

As the holidays were approaching and the weather in Florida was turning cooler, we decided to celebrate the holidays some place warm and watery. So on December 16 we flew to Barbados in the southern Caribbean, spent the night in a lovely seaside hotel and then boarded the Seabourn Ovation the next morning for a 10 day cruise in the Lesser Antillean Islands. We were amazed by the beautiful holiday decorations all around the Ovation and the warm welcome we received from the staff and crew. This is the same ship we sailed on last April from Miami to England and it felt like coming home for the holidays. Most of the islands we visited were new to us, so it was fun to explore these tropical paradises. Our first stop was at Bequia, a tiny ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Curaçao January 9th 2024

Two glorious sea days. My legs are giving me payback for my lack of exercise. Still, I persist. The ship is bulging at the seams but I am getting used to the crowds. We chose to eat in a private venue rather than the dining room where the lines we extremely long. Good choice. We get to eat dinner any time, the menu in basically the same as the dining room but with a couple of special additions. The service is excellent. The downside is that we don’t share with other diners. Dressy night brought out the glamour. Unlike some previous formal nights, a good proportion of the guests made some attempt to dress up. Not a lot of tuxedos but jackets and ties, many long gowns and a couple that might have been seen on ... read more
Seaview pool

After a thoroughly enjoyable time on Nevis with our friends, we packed it up and headed out to take the Sea Bridge ferry back to St. Kitts to finish our time in these small islands. This ferry leaves Nevis at 7am, Noon and 5pm. We didn’t want to take a chance of missing it after our adventure a few days before on St. Kitts, so we arrived early. As a matter of fact, we drove over to the dock the afternoon before to make sure we could find it as we had arrived in the black of night a couple of days earlier. Signage is greatly, it actually does not exist so we made a test run. Arriving one hour early the next morning and first in line, we waited eagerly for this ferry ride ... read more
Landing Craft Medium
Scenic St. Kitts
View from our hotel

There are some travel journeys that are seemingly straight forward, but take unforeseen turns, only to eventually work out just fine. Our travel to the lovely island of Nevis was exactly that. Living in Florida, the three-hour journey to the Miami Airport and the flight to St. Kitts were essentially uncomplicated, then the unexpected happened. Let us back up just a little. We had originally booked a nice home to share with our friends Sylvia and Kevin (from the Travelers Century Club) on Nevis back in early July. Normally, you hear from the owners closer to your arrival date with the details about where the home is located and check in information. When Dave did not hear from the host even after messaging him, he placed a call to the owner, only to be told that ... read more
Colorful flora
One of the few beaches on this tiny island
The gang

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