Caribbean Paradise

Published: November 12th 2014
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Woke again to the sound of the ship slowing down, went on to the terrace to see the most beautiful, lush, green island with stunning houses overlooking the blue seas.

After yesterdays disaster we had decided not to book a trip but to take a taxi to Magens bay, listed as one of the top ten most beautiful beaches.

First was the tedious job of clearing US customs on board the ship as this was the first point of entry into the US. Of course Kellie and Ben as US citizens sailed through while we had to wait in a line the length of the ship, asot happened the line moved quickly and we were soon off ad in a cab on the way to the beach. Our driver Andy a typical Caribbean guy with silky voice and long dreadlocks.

We arrived at the beach and it didnt disappoint, turquoise waters and powdery golden sand overlooked by palm trees. We found ourselves a spot and ran straight into the sea which was a gorgeous temperature, calm and gently shelving.

Ben was first to the bar for cocktails and we enjoyed a few hours sunbathing, swimming and sipping drinks in the most relaxing manner in true paradise. Alex took a swim and made new friends with a bunch of pelicans who were not shy to share their patch of water.

Sadly it was soon time to head back to the ship, got dropped off just before the port and wandered around the gift shops to pick up the obligatory fridge magnets.

That evening we had the Legends in concert new show booked so met up with Kellie and Ben for Chinese food and then off to the Epic theatre. Tonights legends were first up, Jimmy Buffett who I had kind of heard of but no idea what he sang or looked like. Turned out to be a 60 odd year old guy with a guitar singing tropical caribbean style songs, apparently he is huge in the US, anyway he was very entertaining, think the Europeans in the crowd had no idea who he was.

Next up was Adele, amazing voice and uncanny soundalike, she even looked like her with no need for any 'padding'! Between the songs she chatted with the audience in one of the worst fake Britsh accents ever, but her singing voice was fantastic. Athera Franklin rounded off the evening, again a fantastic voice and real showmanship. It was a great evening. Popped up to H2o for a last drink before turning in.

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