St. Maarten, May 13, 2014 –The Radisson & A Divi Little Night

Published: August 26th 2014
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Photos for this trip can be found through this link.

It was Tuesday, Day 4 of our trip to St. Maarten, and Ray and I must have been getting a little too far into the laid-back feel of the place because our relaxed apathy was turning into outright laziness, like the best part of a day is swinging in a hammock. We were slow to move in the morning, and even when we finally got down to the car, we weren't sure of where we were headed. I worked on some of the France pictures as we lounged around our digs, and we got to meet Patsey, our wonderful housekeeper. The entire staff from desk clerk to bartender (that's the hotel hierarchy, isn't it?) were exceptional personalities with an honest desire to help make your vacation a unique trip, and Patsey was queen of the contest.

We drove toward nowhere in particular and for no other reason than getting there, and when we returned we weren't quite sure where we had been but we knew we had a great time. One of the places the photos remind us where we were is the Radisson Blu complex somewhere on the northeastern part of the island. Seemingly impossible to reach by automobile (at least through the circuitous route we took down impassible paths along twisting labyrinthine suggestions for roads) , it is an immaculate high-end spa with all of the usual trims and a whole bunch of extras. We photographed some of the beautiful nature of the place which was enhanced by some amazing man-made additions. It was by no means a Taoist enhancement; it was more of the opulent variety ala Las Vegas. Keeping in mind that there are all manner of impressions one can have, let's say I was impressed with the place. We walked its long garden from behind the main structure to the beach, another manicured exclusive, dodging raindrops on our return along the exercise building.

By the time we returned to the Belair for happy hour we were much invigorated by the events of the day, as uneventful as they were, and carried our enthusiasm right through diner and back out for some quick night shots around Divi Little.

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Divi Little Darkness

26th August 2014
Radisson Bark

God photo. It is so hard in 2D to reproduce what we see in forests. This tree has open shape which you have captured well.
31st August 2014
Radisson Bark

Thanks, Rob.
2nd December 2014

I really appreciate your professional approach. These are pieces of very useful information that will be of great use for me in future.
2nd December 2014

more help
Thank you, and if you ever need any more help about your travels, please ask.

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