Last days in St Lucia...and home

Published: February 18th 2020
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Our last couple of days were quiet, mainly because the weather turned to warm, very windy and cloudy. Also because Steve had a problem with his foot (suspected Gout - very painful) and that put the kibosh on a planned rainforest walk.

Still we were able to get some interesting things done: Friday night is street party night in Gros Islet, with lots of street food, street bars and VERY LOUD music. We travelled by local bus, had a cocktail, surveyEd the long queues for food and, as we had done previously at Shirley Heights, decided to go elsewhere to eat.

The elsewhere was Rodney Bay Marina, only a walk from our hotel and home to several very attractive restaurants. We have eaten well in St Lucia but English Harbour was better....

On Saturday we had to kill time before heading home; lunch at the Marina! Then just as we were waiting for our taxi we got an email from Virgin Atlantic telling us our flight was delayed by 2.30 hours. All due to Storm Dennis of course. Well when our taxi driver, who Cathy had found online (much better value than the local cartel), found out about our delay he turn our journey to the airport into a mini tour, stopping at a fabulous look out and visiting the town next door to the airport. He turned out to be very interesting chap too, who ran at least 5 different businesses!
After a lot of sitting around we finally took off once they knew the weather was clearing at home. The scheduled 8.30 flight time was done in (but very uncomfortable unlike the flight out).

A note on music: the local preference in not reggae as you might expect. It is full on classic Country music, and it’s everywhere. Very odd but it’s been like that for years apparently.

And finally, it’s always gratifying where our blogs tickle up a memory or two for followers. This trip seems to have reminded Andy and Sally of their ”interesting“ honeymoon many moons ago, so special greetings to them.

Anyway, home safe and sound....more next time.

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We discovered Rodney Bay Marina a bit late on.We discovered Rodney Bay Marina a bit late on.
We discovered Rodney Bay Marina a bit late on.

Good though and we ate there twice
Taxi tour stop offTaxi tour stop off
Taxi tour stop off

Great views out on the east side of the that’s the Atlantic

19th December 2023

Country Music Oddity is Real
Hi Steve and Cathy, It was nice reading your time in Saint Lucia. I am in my 40's and recently relocated here with my family. My wife just started a real estate firm here ( ) and so we are all getting acclimated to different aspects of the culture. One of the things I was most taken aback by was the Classic Country that you hear everywhere. It isn't the Travis Tritt or Billy Ray country either, it is the 1960s Roger Miller style country. Hearing it contrasted up against the dancehall music you also here is a pretty funny juxtaposition.

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