Life Aboard Spyglass is Sitting pretty darn pretty!

Published: April 4th 2007
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Ahoy all those that i love on land and sea and boats. Ive finally torn myself away from the life of St Maarten and been sailing a one full day and a half on Spyglass with Chris. Our autopilot has been rectified with a hydraulic linear drive as it powers the rudder better for some unknown reason! Not that you need autopilot so much with my love of helming! The helm hog days still arent over!! It was great meeting all you canadians, bill, miranda, mike, shame only one of us Chris could come with! Thanks Bill for the great time, a day of work has never been so easy!! Would of loved to of stayed but the St Barts Bucket was much more fun.
Ive been kicking myself for not buying my expensive cannon camera before leaving as there has been many an opportunity for taking photos. That part I forgot when I was travelling. Never put off buying something before and I am suffering the consequences of it now. Especially seeing as it was at such a good price. At least next time I see it I know that it will be worth it!
So my little camera and Chris's hung around my wrists at the bow of motoring Spyglass on the weekend, capturing some great action of these massive superyachts gliding through the water. Glad I didnt take the gig of a weeks charter as a stew for it. So glamorous looking from the outside in, when you arent part of the industry!! Damn Im going to be stoked to get a deckhand position if its meant to be in the future.
The plans for my next venture with the money that I earn are coming into place. Involving my own sailboat and cruising for a summer, chiling out, sailing, and more island hopping.
But for now, a spanish word a day, a red wine or scotch on sunset, a massive discussion and look at boats every morning,lunchtime, afternoon and evening, a staple diet of rice and beans or pasta and whatever sauce i can mix up, arriving in antigua with a good spot to try and learn windsurfing off a past champion are making me a very happy lady.
Tonight its Brass band at the bar we are at and i need to get the know how on tickets for the cricket on sunday. So adios amigos


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