San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua (Jan. 31 - Feb. 2, 2018)


This was my first stop in Nicaragua. Crosses the land boarder from Costa Rica via bus. There was a bit of waiting at the boarder, but I made it thru without any issues.

I made my way to my hostel. It was a bit small, but I managed. After checking in, I went out to explore the city.

I was looking for the path to the light house, but was having difficulties. Then i saw a group of kids playing. They were curious and approached me. I don't remember what was said. They led and I followed. Eventually, we made it to the lighthouse. I expressed my gratitude, I felt a sense that they wanted more than a mere "Thank you." I worried that if I did offer them more, they may cause me trouble later on. So with hesitation, I gave them a little bit of money as a symbol of my gratitude. They accepted and left. The lighthouse over looked the beach. It was a beautiful view. On the way back I noticed the shacks that lined the way. I also noticed that the interior of churches here were constructed with wood.

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