
Published: August 2nd 2018
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Monday July 30 - It seems most people outdid themselves and stayed up quite late partying last night, with my roommates coming in between 12:30 and 5am. I didn't sleep well after 4:30am and got up by 6:45. I finished packing and then headed down to breakfast. Today we had beans, a boiled egg, fry bread and sausage (aka cut up hotdogs). I even got a piece of carrot cake that wasn't eaten last night.

After breakfast I said my goodbyes to everyone, though sadly Kersel was not around at the time, and I almost cried when I said goodbye to Meagan. I spent the most time with her on a daily basis, and it was sad to say goodbye. I was happy that both she and Shelly got up to say goodbye before I left. Actually, everyone but Lisa and Erin were up before I left at 8am. A couple others were leaving as well, but the day people are just naturally awake, I think. The bat other bat girls really lead a different schedule.

I had my last walk across the river today, and it seemed higher and swifter than yesterday. Cathius was there helping bring equipment over the river with the pulley, so I said goodbye to him as well. Tricia drove Andrew and I to the ferry, but I couldn't check in for an hour. I said goodbye to Andrew and tried to use wifi at the Beach Bar and outside of Petit Paris, but the former had changed their password and my computer freaked out and almost died doing the latter. I hope it will survive this tropical humidity.

I checked in, paid the $23 USD departure tax (so pleased - I had only $24 in cash left!) - and then had to go to customs where they were checking everyone's bags thoroughly. My backpack is packed exactly so, and I was not looking forward to opening it. But after looking in my daypack, she asked what was in the big bag, and I told her clothes and shoes. She asked me if I was checking it and I told her no, so she just let me pass. Amazing. The ferry was about 30 minutes late, and I slept most of the ride. I only took one pill this time for the two-hour journey, and it was fine. I got through immigration quickly, and then I couldn't find the car rental guy. I started to get nervous, with no way to contact anyone, but then he was there. He was really nice, and we did the whole thing there in the parking lot. I drove him to his car and then he led me to the highway I needed. It was a straight shot around the island, well signed, and I even found the guesthouse pretty easily. Both shocking and pleasing. I also stopped at a supermarket on the way and bought all the snacks I haven't had in over a month - chips, chocolate, granola - and got a baguette and camembert for dinner. I have so been looking forward to French bread!

Murielle, who runs the guesthouse, is lovely. She speaks some English and we used google translate for some things. She was great, offering to cook any pasta or rice that I buy or do laundry for me. Eventually I walked into Deshaies village, just a few minutes down the hill, and took some sunset pictures of the village, boats and diving pelicans. I hadn't eaten for over 9 hours, so I walked over while eating a cheese and baguette sandwich. I also got a frozen coconut creamy ice, like an ice pop in a plastic sleeve. It was heaven.

Later on, I downloaded some shows for later, journaled, and talked to my mom. There is more to do, but it will have to wait. I am looking forward to some good sleep.

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2nd August 2018
Deshaies Bay

Peaceful sunset
The joys of travel.

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