
Published: July 4th 2019
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View from Hostal Lago VistaView from Hostal Lago VistaView from Hostal Lago Vista

It's best to view the lake from a distance.
Getting from Copan Ruins in Honduras to Suchitoto took the entire day. I left at 8AM and took 5 different buses and a taxi, with a total wait time of about 10 minutes, since buses just wait till they're nearly full to leave, which doesn't take long at all. But the journeys were pretty slow-going since the buses stop to pick up anyone waiting on the side of the road.

The border was easy since several Central American countries have an agreement to allow travelers a 90-day visa.

The town of Suchitoto is a charming time capsule of cobblestone streets, fading pastels, and a bustling town square. This is all worth a visit, but aside from trying different restaurants and cafes, there isn't much to do there, aside from checking out Lake Suchitlán, the largest lake in El Salvador.

It should be renamed Lago de Basura (Trash Lake). The view from my homestay was incredible, especially considering the nighttime lightning displays during the rainy season. But a closer look, which requires a mile walk from town, steeply down to the shore, reveals the man-made lake to be a makeshift garbage dump. There are a couple of resorts there

This photo doesn't even do it justice. Scenes like this make me think humanity deserves exactly what it will get over the next 100 years.
that charge a dollar for entry to their grounds, but I found my own way to the shoreline and I was glad I didn't pay a dime to see Trash Lake.

Later in the trip, a hiking guide said it isn't the fault of the people in Suchitoto; rather, it's the people up the river, and the trash just accumulates there. And the people living along the river don't have sanitation services to take their trash away and the appearance of the manmade lake downstream is probably the least of their worries in life. But the trash is there nonetheless.

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Typical Suchitoto StreetTypical Suchitoto Street
Typical Suchitoto Street

It's really not the best example.

9th July 2019
View from Hostal Lago Vista

El Salvador

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