June 4, 2023

Published: June 5th 2023
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Today was long, hot, but very nice.

We had breakfast cooked by Yadi – scrambled eggs, bacon, and the traditional gallo pinto. Yummy. We wandered the garden a little and found just one new bird: NORTHERN JACANA, at the lagoon. Joaquin the gardener also pointed out a small cayman (small, but still about 4’ long – no swimming in the lagoon, for sure!)

Then we and Heather and Dario caught a taxi into La Fortuna to get our rental cars, and everyone enjoyed time in the pool. It was very hot and sunny.

When lunch time arrived, everyone but us walked down to the local soda, and we headed off for the Arenal Observatory Lodge for a day pass entry, hoping that the rain would hold off. Arenal the volcano was stunningly “out” for most of the day, although it threatened to rain all day, and we could seet torrential areas over the Lake.

The feeders were replenished at 2, just as we arrived, but it took a while for birds to arrive. We totted up 16 species eventually. The high point was meeting Jen and Hayat from Colorado. They have become interested in birds, even though they didn’t even have binoculars, so we had fun lending the ours. Upon their recommendation, we walked over to a third store observation room, and indeed the toucans and aracaris were great fun to spot from there. A lovely blessing of the day.

After saying our goodbyes we walked the grounds a little longer, and just as we were nearing our parked car saw a family of 3 monkeys (not sure what kind). And driving down the hill we saw a family of seven pizotes, including 3 little ones. Pizotes are white-nosed coatis.

We all had supper at a Peruvian restaurant. The ceviche was very good, and the pineapple drinks with mint very tasty, but sadly everyone’s fish was dry and disappointing. Oh well, the server was amiable, the mosty old-fashioned Mexican music very nice, and Megan loved playing with the cat and dog. What can you say? It really lightninged while we were there but it barely rained.

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