Wrapping up Cayman Islands

Published: May 18th 2022
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As usual, we sort of leave our blogs hanging on the last day!

We did NOT do a final snorkel on Tuesday morning, unlike many a time in Aruba. Our fin boots are still damp anyway! The plane was reasonably full this time, but we still managed a seat between us from Cayman to Charlotte, and Jess had a middle seat next to her as well. Not so fortunate Charlotte to Cleveland, but that was ok. Few people wore masks, btw, on the flights back home.

We were busted for carrots in Charlotte. We had been asked if we were bringing in anything to declare. We know about meat and fruit, and alcohol and tobacco and said “nothing.” Then a sniffer dog came over and that lady handler was a real grouch. She confiscated by 1/3 bag of carrots. I shall have to research this further. We were “written up” on our declaration form, and sent to another spot to be reviewed. Showed them our bag of chips and some rock cakes, told them the carrots had been confiscated. They seemed to roll their eyes, or was it our imagination. Anyway, hope they catch the drug traffickers too.

John & Robin picked us up at Cleveland Hopkins, bless their hearts. That was a perfect end. Now it only remains to completely unpack and squeeze in LOTS in the next 10 days before we leave for Costa Rica – oh, didn’t we mention that?

The only photo I'm including is one from the night of the lunar eclipse - it's hard to see but the moon is actually only a sliver on the right, but it's all showing up quite red. The eye does a much better job of course. See you next trip!


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